Home Education for Older Kids, Do They Do Better in College?

Home Education for Older Kids, Do They Do Better in College?

college girl with textbooks

In recent years the online homeschooling movement has gained massive momentum. It used to be that online education meant tougher admissions, tougher times meeting performance goals, and not to mention culture shock in college. However, times have changed. Today, those children who are prodigies of home education now can look forward to easier college admissions, the potential to enter college with previously earned credits, and better college performance.

Reasons Online Homeschooling Leads to Better College Performance

The homeschooled college student experience today is much different from what it once was. Here is what you expect, should your child fall in with the averages if you decide to homeschool:

Higher ACT and SAT scores

Homeschool students routinely score higher on these two standardized college admissions tests. Perhaps it is the more personalized college prep or the individualized curriculum throughout grade school, whatever it may be, homeschooled children outperform children from other educational backgrounds year after year.

Credits earned going into college

Homeschooled children generally enter their freshman year of college with significantly more credits than those in public or private school are able to carry with them. This is because homeschooled students are able to work at their own pace which allows them to move further ahead of other students.

Higher GPAs

Studies show that homeschooled college students have higher GPAs than other students. This is likely due to the independent study skills they are forced to develop much earlier on than other students.

More likely to go to college

Homeschooled college students are far more likely to attend college than those who are not homeschooled. It is estimated that 74 percent of homeschooled children will complete at least some college education. Compared to the 46 percent of the general US population; that is pretty impressive.

More likely to graduate

Homeschooled college students are more likely to graduate. Graduate studies show 67 percent graduation rate among homeschooled students, compared to 57.6 of non-homeschooled college students.

Along with higher acceptance rates and more opportunity for financial funding, the prognosis for homeschooled college students is rather positive. For the best home education systems and services, visit FutureSchool.com.

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