Household Eyesores and How to Hide Them

It’s unfortunate that no matter how much hard work we put into making our homes look beautiful, there are always going to be those essential but unattractive household eyesores bringing the place down, or are there? Things like wiring and water heaters are undoubtedly essential, and we can’t just get rid of them, but there are things we can do to hide them away so that they don’t detract from our carefully crafted decor!

Sound good? Here are a few things you can do to hide those unsightly essentials around the home:

Hinged Artwork

The ultimate in hiding everything from garage door openers to ugly thermostats, to improve your home decor, is the hinged artwork. What is that you might ask? Basically, you take a canvas or framed print or even a favorite family photo, and you attach hinges to the back of it before hanging it up. That way, the artwork will cover those unappealing pieces of equipment on the walls, while still allowing you easy access to them whenever you need to use them.

screen it out

Screen It Out

You can buy screens to cover pretty much everything. For example, you can use decorative metal radiator screens to cover ugly air vents, or you can use traditional Japanese style room dividers and changing screens to hide TVs and other electrical equipment that you don’t like to look at when not in use, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Cover It Up

Speaking of radiators, there are numerous ways to cover them up. You can use the aforementioned decorative radiator screens, and they will do the job well enough, or you can build a cupboard or even a set around it to hide it and keep you warm. Alternatively, you could add a shelf or place a table over it so that it is not so obvious – the potentials to cover it up are endless.

Move It

When it comes to things like water tanks, one of the best ways of hiding them is by having the plumbing company come over and move it, so it’s out of the way in a cupboard or something. Of course, this is a more expensive option, but it means that you never have to worry about it again.

Book It!

Book It

Now that we all use so many electronic devices, wires are becoming a really ugly pain in the average home. Luckily there is a really fantastic solution that will hide them. Hollow out one or more books and place them on the shelves where your wires are, hide the wires inside the books and your shelves will look clean and sophisticated with lots of books, but not a wire in sight.

Alternatively, you could hollow out a shelf and hide all of those pesky wires in there.

Shutter Up

Utility meters can be difficult to disguise, but you can get the job done by using some pretty shutters to conceal them. It’s really easy to do too.

As you can see, with just a little DIY and a few key pieces of equipment, you can hide those household eyesores and ensure that your home is 100 percent beautiful.

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