It’s never nice to imagine how you would cope if something bad happened to you or your loved ones. But if it does, you need to be ready. Coping constructively will make things easier, and get you back to your old self again much quicker. The following four things will also help.
Ask For Help
It’s all very well to be strong and independent most of the time, but at a time of need it’s totally okay to ask for help. Chances are, your friends and family will already be worried about you and will be glad to be able to do something! Ask for support in any area at all. It might be a good chat and a cry. Or it might just be asking a couple of friends to come around and help you do a spring clean around the house. You’d be happy to do these things for a friend in need. Your friends are sure to feel the same. You can go back to being independent further down the line.
Consider Your Funds
At difficult times, thinking about money will be the last thing on your mind. If something bad happens, there is a good chance that however you earn your money will suffer. This can be a nightmare, however, because it can be at bad times that you need funds the most. This is why so many people invest in trauma insurance. It usually pays out a lump sum at the time of the accident or diagnosis. Sometimes it takes one bad thing happening to realise just how valuable this type of insurance is. But hopefully, you’ll be reading this article in advance of anything disastrous occurring. That way you can take these steps while there is still chance.
Beware of Negative Coping Methods

Drinking a bottle of wine might feel good that night, but it sure won’t the next morning. Same goes for reckless driving, drugs, even excessive shopping sprees. The relief they will give you will only be short-lived. Instead of these coping methods, channel your energy into productive things. Go for runs, or go cycling. Learning a new skill will help occupy your mind and distract you. Consider taking beginner guitar lessons, or learn how to bake something you love to eat. If you’re not the one suffering, but a friend is, look out for destructive behavior. That’s stuff like one too many drinks, or avoiding eating, for example. They’ll appreciate it later on.
Look at the Situation Objectively
It can be very easy to look at terrible situations in an emotional way, and this is totally fine to begin with. But once you’ve got over the initial shock, try and get yourself to the stage where you can look at it with a clearer head. Also, take sometime to discover whether or not there were any lessons learned. For example, if what happened was your fault, it is likely that you won’t make the same mistake again. If you can, find the silver linings. They’re almost always there.
What are some methods that you have used to cope when something bad has happened in your life? Let us know in the comments below or share with us on social media.