Set reasonable expectations
Make a list of rules that can’t be broken. For some parents this may include hitting, cursing and yelling. Set consistent consequences for these rules so that your child knows what to expect. Also try other methods such as redirection, for other undesirable behavior.
Be consistent with punishments
Write out any punishments on a chart so that your child can always see them. This will help him to understand that he will not get away with something when someone else is watching him, as other family members and babysitters can also see the rules.
Reward good behavior
Positively reinforcing the things that your child does well, such as using his manners, picking up his toys, and eating his dinner should be rewarded and looked at as positive behaviors. Your child is more likely to behave appropriately when he receives positive attention for his actions. If your Child’s misbehavior is harmless, ignore it, and give positive attention and rewards for good behavior.
Talk to your child on a one to one basis
One of the most effective methods of disciplining your child is to talk to them on a one to one basis and explain how you expect them to behave and why. It is important that you start the conversation in a positive way and listen to everything that your child has to say.
Set the right example
You should model how you want your child to behave. Out of all the parenting techniques and methods, this will be the most effective in the long run. If you don’t want your child to shout, don’t shout. If you don’t want him to hit others, don’t hit him. Modeling good behavior and leading by example is the best way to in grain proper behavior in your child. Nobody in the world is perfect, but try to consistently be a good role model for your child.
Point out alternatives to bad behavior
Rather than just saying “No, that behavior was wrong.” If your child hits another child, say something like “What you just did was wrong, next time you are feeling angry, just walk away.” Provide alternative options to bad behavior will help your child significantly in the process of growing up.
Be positive, respective and polite
When requesting something from your child, speak in a positive way. Avoid being sarcastic, critical or aggressive, your child is a lot more likely to respond to positivity.
Learn more about your child’s development
The age of your child is a defining factor as to whether certain behaviors are acceptable or not. If you know what child can and cannot understand, you will have a better understanding of when discipline is and isn’t appropriate.
About the Author:
This is a guest post by David at Pathway Care Fostering Agency. An independent fostering agency that provides high level foster care services throughout Wales and England.