How to Fit Studying Around a Busy Life

How to Fit Studying Around a Busy Life

If you’re anything like me, the idea of learning a new skill or getting a new qualification at the same time as juggling the rest of my life is about as likely as pigs flying. Sure, it would be lovely to do a photography class or learn Spanish; but does anyone actually have the time?

One way people are managing to fit studying around their busy schedules is by signing up for online courses. For those of you thinking about learning something new, distance learning websites like have some great ideas on how to get the most from your studies.

How to Fit Studying Around a Busy LifeBe Realistic

Are you really going to get your master’s degree in 12 months? Setting achievable goals can help you stay on track and keep you motivated. It’s important to make sure you give yourself plenty of time to complete your course; after all, you’re far less likely to enjoy studying when you’ve got deadlines at the same time as your kids have the flu or your home remodeling project.

Pick a Topic You Enjoy

You’ve got to love what you’re learning; how else will you manage that essay at 3am? Of course, there will be times when studying will be the last thing you want to do, or your course materials might not be overly exciting, but having a genuine interest in something is the surest way to succeed. As Steve Jobs famously said: “the only way to do great work is to love what you do”.

Allocate Time

Plan ahead when your study times will be. This could mean arranging childcare so you’re not having to stop to make lunches or prevent world war three from breaking out. Setting aside a couple of hours at a set time a few times a week will help you to establish a routine, not just for you, but also for the people around you who are helping share your responsibilities.

Avoid Distractions

If you’re fitting your studies around a busy lifestyle, you need to buckle down when you have the chance. Turn off the television, your phone, and all your other gadgets that may distract you from what you need to be doing. I don’t know about you, but the chance for a bit of peace and quiet can make it all worthwhile.

With proper organization and realistic expectations, there’s no reason why even the busiest of us couldn’t take up a new course and learn something new.

Do you have any good tips on how to juggle studies with a busy lifestyle?

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