While pets can do a lot to help improve our mental health, you should also think about how you can do the same for theirs. In particular, some cats are more prone to stress and anxiety than others, which can make them jumpy, nervous, or less likely to trust their humans. But what can you do to help them?
Learn Their Triggers
Understanding what spooks your cat is the first step in helping to calm them. Cats can be easily frightened by various stimuli, such as loud noises, unfamiliar people, or even specific objects. Once you identify what triggers their anxiety, it’s important to distance those stressors from your cat. For instance, if your cat is scared of the vacuum cleaner, keep it stored away in a different room and only use it when the cat is safely out of the way. If your cat reacts negatively to visitors, provide a quiet, safe space where they can retreat during social gatherings.
Make Sure They Have Their Own Space
Providing your cat with its own safe space is essential in helping them feel secure. This could be a specific room, a cozy corner, or even a dedicated cat bed where they can retreat when they feel anxious. Make sure this space is quiet, comfortable, and equipped with familiar items such as their favorite blanket or toy. Having a designated safe space allows your cat to relax and decompress, reducing their overall anxiety levels. It’s also important to ensure that your cat has access to this area at all times, especially during events or changes in the household that may cause stress.
Try The Herbal Options
Exploring herbal approaches, such as using catnip, can also help in calming an anxious cat. While catnip has a stimulating effect on some cats, products like Kitty Kush can have a calming effect on others, helping them to relax and reduce anxiety. Catnip toys or a small sprinkle of dried catnip in your cat’s safe space can provide comfort and distraction. Additionally, there are other herbal remedies, such as valerian root or chamomile, that can be used to help soothe your cat. Never use any type of essential oil around your cat. It can cause severe digestive and neurological disorders. However, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new substances to your cat’s environment.
Keep A Routine
Maintaining a consistent routine is crucial for cats, as they thrive on predictability. Changes in routine can lead to anxiety, so it’s important to feed, play with, and interact with your cat at the same times each day. Consistency helps your cat feel secure and reduces the likelihood of stress-related behaviors. Try to keep changes in the household to a minimum, and when changes are unavoidable, introduce them gradually to give your cat time to adjust.
Think About Adding Curtains
Finally, if your cat becomes hyper by seeing birds or other movements outside, closing the curtains or blinds can help reduce their anxiety. Cats are natural hunters, and seeing potential prey outside can overstimulate them, leading to increased anxiety and frustration. By blocking their view of the outside, you can create a calmer environment that helps your cat feel more at ease.
Cats are often assumed to be lackadaisical, easy-going creatures, but anyone who looks after them can tell you how different their personalities can be, and this can include those who are more nervous. With the tips above, you can hopefully offer them some relief.