How Weight and Measurement are Calculated on a Large Scale

truck scales

Every day we use products that have been calibrated with precision and accuracy. Your car speedometer is calibrated at the factory. There are times when that calibration breaks down and you need to have it serviced.

Your electrical service is calibrated so that you receive the proper voltage in your home for your appliances, and that your outlets are calibrated to give you the proper degree of power without blowing up your devices.

Businesses such as machine shops and factories use equipment that requires calibration. Scales and weights are used in every imaginable industry – asphalt and concrete, agricultural, food and beverage, medical, mining, printing, pharmaceutical, shipping, military, textiles, transportation, and logistics. All of these industries rely on equipment that is functional and properly calibrated to deliver quality services and products to their consumers.

We all use weights and measurements on a daily basis in our personal lives, but have you ever considered how weight and measurement are calculated on a large scale? We’re going to show you three examples.

Gage Blocks

Set of gauge blocks

My husband uses a handheld gage to accurately calibrate the engine he is working on when replacing spark plugs and ensuring they have the proper spacing to work efficiently.

In 1896, Swedish machinist Edvard Johansson developed a set of gage blocks to accurately represent practical lengths. He demonstrated their use during an engineering conference in 1917, and the rest, as they say, is history! To learn more about the history of gage blocks this website offers some great information.

Of course, the most common use of the gage block is to provide a reference for direct measurement of distances between parallel surfaces, such as widths of grooves. They can be used as a means of setting up comparative measurements or stacked to any length, making the gage an invaluable tool in an inspection lab. They are usually made from ceramic or steel, which means the material is long-lasting and durable and can be easily cleaned with a cloth.

Salt And Sand Storage Buildings

We’re sure you’ve seen these types of buildings in your own state along major highways – buildings that store the salt and sand the local government uses to keep our streets safe from the elements or to provide repairs where needed.

Once you have an idea of what you need and what the purpose is, you can figure out your specific dimensions, fabric options, whether you need windows and doors, ventilation systems, and more.

This website – – provides a wide range of salt and sand storage buildings to fit your needs. I found particularly interesting the use of fabric buildings at construction locations that allows projects to continue on track and on time – even from the harsh winter weather elements, rain, or wind.


We use scales to measure items for numerous reasons on a daily basis. From our weight, the amount of food portions, the amount of gold in a piece of jewelry, scales have been around since the beginning of time.

Scales are used to measure how much something weighs and they do so by measuring how much force exists between what you are weighing and planet Earth. Although they measure force, they give you measurements of mass in kilograms, grams, pounds, tons, etc.

My son recently started working at a company where they put together various products to be shipped nationwide. They use large floor scales to weigh pallets, skids, barrels, drums, pretty much everything. The scales take into account the weight of the container and is then able to measure the actual weight of the product inside the container.

My father would have to stop when he was hauling a full load in the 18-wheeler he drove for many years. The drivers would pull their rigs onto a drive-thru scale area and have their load weighed. It always interested me in how they could measure what was IN the truck but not the actual truck itself!

Click here if you would like to learn more about these large scales that are used in a variety of industries.

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