I Wish I Knew That Before I Went Camping…

I Wish I Knew That Before I Went Camping...

If you are planning your first camping trip, you will have no doubt made an effort to ensure that you are as prepared as possible. However, no matter how much you preparations you carry out, you are bound to be in for a few surprises throughout your trip. To keep these to a minimum, read on to discover the things that most people wish they knew before their first camping trip.

Nature Is More of a Delight Than You Anticipate

Let’s start off on a positive: no matter where you visit, nature will never fail to surprise you. Being at one with nature can lead to some fantastic encounters with animals in their natural habitat. Be quiet, observe, and enjoy. It’s truly magical.

You Should Practice Putting Your Tent Up Before You Leave

There is nothing worse than arriving at your campsite only to discover that you cannot erect your tent, or even worse, that you have left some important pieces at home. It is always advisable to try putting up your tent at home before you leave. This will ensure that there are no nasty surprises. You may discover that your tent is too difficult to put up or that it is not right for you. You can then get something more suitable. Check out this recommended read if you need more information on the different types of tents and various fabrics used. You will be shocked by how many options there are.

Pitch Away From The Wind

While we are on the subject of tents, it is so important to pitch away from the wind. There is nothing fun about sitting in a tent that is facing winds of 40mph. You might have a nice view, but you won’t get to enjoy it, so make sure you always pitch away from the wind.

Dealing with Bug Bites

You’ll probably come back with a swollen eye or bites all over your arms and legs – News flash: bugs bite! Yes, we all know this, but we often forget to prepare for it or we underestimate just how much damage a little bug can do. Depending on the time of year and the destination you are visiting, you are going to have all types of bugs to contend with. Make sure you have adequate protection with you in the form of bug spray and such like.

You Don’t Need a Truckload of Marshmallows

For your first camping trip, it’s easy to assume that you need to pack the entire contents of your fridge. However, less food is more, and healthy food is better. You won’t eat as much as you think you will. Plus, all that food is going to take up valuable space in your backpack and simply weigh you down.

Hopefully, you will now be more prepared for your camping trip with the advice that has been mentioned above. But, most importantly, you should embrace any other surprises that pop up throughout. After all, that’s what camping is all about, right?

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