Katie Morris – Mary Kay Consultant Extraordinaire!

marykay_logoMany, many, MANY moons ago – I had the pleasure of attending a Mary Kay party that a friend of mine had.  She was just starting out as a consultant and told me that if I helped her get some bodies to her first party she’d give me a little makeup kit of my own to play with – so I did.  That was the extent of my experience with Mary Kay.  At the time of her party, I tossed around the idea of becoming a consultant myself – but I’m not one to go door-to-door or to have parties and constantly be looking for people to drag to a party – so I never bothered with it afterwards.

Well back on January 20, 2012, I was hopping around the internet like I normally do, checking messages and tweets and reading up on some new blog posts, when I happened upon this tweet:

“@tmww If you’re in the Richmond area I’d love to give you a FREE facial & a gift just for helping! Promise this isn’t spam!”

Now you know me – I am ALWAYS up for a freebie – and a gift to boot?  Shoot!  So I sent her a tweet back and asked her to email me with some specifics.  Thus started our little journey together.  Over the next few weeks, we emailed each other back and forth attempting to set up a date and time when I could host a party and get some friends either here at my home or to her studio.  Being a stay at home mom with the majority of my friends inside this little box on my desk – I had to put my thinking cap on and see which of my neighbors might be interested in coming.

So finally the date was set – Monday, February 27.  Well Monday came and I discovered that my daughter could not come (she was scheduled to work) and another friend could not come (she was scheduled to work), so that left just four of us.  Not a problem.  I had my *game plan* all worked out for the day…I had until noon to be on the computer and do what I needed to do online and then it was time to buckle down and get the house in ship-shape condition (not a fun or easy task with the mess that the Testosterone make on a daily basis!).  I sent text messages out to everyone who had said that they would attend around 8am yesterday morning to remind them about the party last night and to RSVP and assure this crazy lady that they were definitely going to be there.  So I busted my hump scrubbing and dusting and sweeping and mopping every surface that did not move until the house sparkled for the next 6 hours.  Yes, it took me 6 hours to get my house into what I call “acceptable” condition for company (I’m totally anal like that about making sure my house is just about spotless when I have people coming over). 

katie morrisKatie arrived and I hit it off with her instantly.  She is a truly wonderful young lady, and I am very pleased to know her and have worked with her.  We chatted about family and college and life in general and discovered we both worked for law firms – it was really nice to be able to connect with her and find out that we had much in common.

As my guests arrived, Katie set up and we were ready for our pampering – and pampering we GOT.  The Mary Kay products of today are nothing like I remember them being from 25 years ago.  We started off with the Satin Hands products (which, after cleaning house all day with bleach and Lysol I desperately needed!) and I fell in love instantly.  Satin is exactly the word to describe how my hands felt.  Absolute heaven and the peach smell? Oh my gosh – absolutely DIVINE.

Next we moved on to our facials and had the pleasure of experiencing the TimeWise Miracle.  If you closed your eyes, you would have sworn you were at a day spa being pampered – that’s how incredibly wonderful this product is!  I have noticed the older I get, the drier my skin gets, and I literally feel as though I am using GALLONS of moisturizer on my face to make it feel normal again and not like the Sahara desert!  With just a little tiny dab of the TimeWise moisturizer – I was sold.  My face felt like pure satin and I can honestly say that I have never ever ever felt my face be that soft ever before.  It was wonderful!

We then moved on to the Mary Kay Foundation Primer and the Mary Kay Mineral Powder Foundation.  When you paint the walls in your home, you always use a primer first to ensure that the paint lasts longer and stays beautiful looking – well the Mary Kay Foundation Primer does the same thing – it keeps your makeup in place and beautifully flawless all day long, and you only need a teeny tiny dab to cover your entire face (another product that I absolutely adored and purchased) which I love.  I like makeup that is going to go a long way and not be gone within two or three weeks.

About this time I had some new unexpected guests arrive (hubby grabbed some additional warm bodies to add to the mayhem for me – wasn’t that sweet of him?) and Katie took things all in stride … she didn’t miss a beat!  We got a chance to experiment with the Eye Makeup Remover, the Crème Eye Color, the Mineral Cheek Color, the mascara and the beautiful selection of lip colors and the Satin Lips products!  (I tried to coerce The Man Thing into trying the Satin Lips but he was being a stick-in-the-mud and said he’d stick with his trusty Chapstick lol!)

What completely amazed me is that Katie gave both myself and a neighbor of mine (a beautiful African-American woman) the exact same crème eye color to use – and they looked completely different on each of us.  You would NEVER have been able to tell that we were using the same makeup on our eyes.  Completely amazing.

I felt like a princess when all was said and done, and I believe the other ladies did as well.  I didn’t want to wash any of it off last night it felt so good LOL! 

I want to thank all of the ladies who attended last night and enjoyed themselves, and thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for helping Katie out as well!  While I am still not “that type” to become a Mary Kay consultant at this point in my life – I am going to do everything within my power to help Katie become a raging success with HER business!

You will find the Mary Kay Cosmetics logo on my blog with a link to Katie’s website.  You can also follow her on Twitter (she tweets the most awesome inspirational messages all the time!) and she also has a Facebook fan page

If you would like to become a consultant or host your own party in the metro Richmond area – please let her know!  She would be more than happy to come out and give you and your friends the royal princess treatment just like she did for mine!  In addition, if you are interested in purchasing some Mary Kay products but do not have a consultant in your area, you can order yours directly from Katie and she’ll get them out to you in no time at all!

A special thanks to Katie as well – for putting up with this crazy stay-at-home mom who changed dates and times a gazillion times before finally settling on a date – and for being such a sweet and wonderful young lady and letting your enthusiasm and energy shine through! 

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