Learn the Basics of Acrylic Pouring

acrylic pouring basics

If you have not heard of acrylic pouring, trust us, you will! It is only one of the hottest new hobbies in the United States and gaining momentum around the world. The most important thing is that you don’t have to be a talented draughtsman or painter to use Acrylic Pouring.

what is acrylic pouring
Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels

In this technique, acrylic paint is applied to the canvas that has been previously made castable by means of a pouring medium. By letting your colors flow into each other on the canvas, unique color effects and patterns are created.

There are many different techniques at your disposal to achieve the most diverse patterns. So it never gets boring. In the following we will explain these techniques to you. If you are looking for more techniques, you can check out the pouring guide on fluid-painting.com.

The most important thing is that you dilute the acrylic paint you use before painting. The many cells of different sizes that are created are the special and very typical thing about this technique. The cells are created when you pour the acrylic. We will also explain some things about this to you.  

Instruction for Acrylic Pouring

If you wish to pre-treat your canvas with Gesso, wait until the surface is really dry. To avoid ugly stains on the back of your canvas, mask it with masking tape and make sure that the tape can be easily removed later. We recommend removing it while the canvas is still slightly damp.

You should have everything you need for the Acrylic Pouring ready so that you have everything ready when you start.

Protect Your Workspace

Use a cardboard box or plastic foil to protect your workspace. It often happens during painting that the liquid pain runs somewhere where it is not supposed to – Murphy’s Law applies when using acrylics! You may also wish to protect the floor around your workspace as well so that it isn’t accidentally spotted with paint while you’re working.

Make sure your work surface is level. Otherwise your paint can and will easily run off the canvas and interfere with your planned project.

Now that you have everything ready and your space protected, it’s time to start preparing for the fun part – painting!

Prepare to Paint

  1. Mix your colors with the pouring medium that is now ready by pouring the different colors into a few cups is really helpful.
  2. Now stir the mixture for one or two minutes to get an even mass.
  3. As air bubbles form during the mixing process, wait a few minutes before pouring. The bubbles are not immediately visible on the surface.
  4. Once all of our colors are mixed, you may add a few drops of silicone oil and mix the whole thing. This will make various effects even better.
  5. Now just let your picture dry, which can take varying amounts of time. The time to dry depends on the medium you used, the humidity and temperature of your workspace, and the thickness of the paint. It can even take several days until everything is well and truly dry. For this reason, make sure the picture is well protected and safely stored during the drying time away from children and animals. (You definitely don’t want dog fur embedded in your paint or your child’s PB&J smear across your painting!)

Finishing the Project

Depending on the type of media you have used – your picture will dry to a matt finish or a somewhat shiny finish. To make the gloss more uniform, we suggest you apply a varnish to the image according to your individual preferences. Then, viola! Once that has dried your artwork is finished and you can enjoy it or give as a gift!


There you go – you have created your first piece of Art in form of an Acrylic Pouring painting. Go ahead and create more – you will find out, how much fun it is.  

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