Leaving for the Holidays? Make Sure You Are Safe to Do So

Leaving for the Holidays Make Sure You Are Safe to Do So

If it is your turn to visit friends and family members this holiday season, you will need to leave your house empty for a while. The holiday period is popular among burglars, as they are praying on home electricals hiding in boxes. If you don’t want to come home for unpleasant surprises, read our guide below.

Leaving for the Holidays? Make Sure You Are Safe to Do So
“Empty house empty street” by Ronnie Meijer is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Talk to Your Neighbors

You might want to talk to a trusted neighbor about your trip away, and ask them if they are staying home for the holidays. If they will be home, ask them to walk around the house once a day, and take the letters out of the box. This way, it will be less obvious that you have left and the house is empty. Leave your number with them, and get in touch with your emergency plumber they can contact in case they notice something unusual. Give them permission to enter the house in case there is a problem.

Leave Your Number and Keys with the Police

You might want to walk down to the local police department to let them know that you are away. They will know in advance, and might cover your street on their daily walks. If there is an emergency, or somebody reports something suspicious going on, or your alarm goes off due to a fault, the last thing you want to do is the police breaking down the front door. Give them the code for the alarm, so you can save yourself from having to deal with more expenses.

Get a Timer Switch

Leaving for the Holidays Make Sure You Are Safe to Do So
“Contemporary house design, stone face, Christmas morning, moon, lit trees, snow, South Addition, Anchorage, Alaska” by Wonderlane is licensed under CC BY 2.0

If you don’t want people know that you are not home, you can get a cheap timer switch that turns on the lights in your house from time to time. You can even put your television on a timer, suggesting that there is somebody home watching it. This cheap solution can prevent break ins and save you from a lot of misery.

Make Sure Your Home Insurance is Valid

Give your insurance company a call before you leave to make sure you have everything covered. If your payment for this month failed, make a manual transfer, so you are insured. You might need to know the company about your absence from the house for longer than a week, or you will not be able to make a claim. Check the terms and conditions just in case.

Keep It Quiet

You don’t want to leave when everyone sees you filling up the car. Pack at night, and leave when the roads and streets are quiet. Don’t tell people in the shop, no matter how excited you are about the trip. Remember that there are a lot of people out there who are just looking for the opportunity. Ask a friend to park their car on your drive from time to time, so the house looks less empty.

You might be worried about leaving your house empty during the holiday season. Make sure that you cover the bases, talk to your neighbors, and make your home appear as is someone was home all the time.

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