Looking Your Best This Summer

high intensity interval training

The days are getting longer, the temperature is rising, spring will soon be here – and that means summer is on its way. Here in Virginia, it seems that getting “beach-ready” happens earlier each year!

Have you started to turn your thoughts to how you want to look on the beach this year? If you’re determined to get lean, Matcha organic green tea can help you achieve your diet and fitness goals.

We all want to look our best on holiday and the key to any successful lifestyle change is preparation. No-one in their right mind would expect to lose 14 pounds (a stone for our UK readers) and tone those muscles a week before getting on the plane for their annual vacation. So start to think about what you’re trying to achieve early. Sit down with a cup of Matcha organic green tea and get planning a healthier diet, a regular exercise schedule, and a steady, sustainable weight loss. 

Why start with Matcha tea, though? In simple terms, Matcha is a variety of green tea and this has proven benefits when it comes to increasing your metabolism and weight loss. The advantages of green tea Matcha style are especially felt when exercising. Love your HIIT exercise, for instance? Matcha is the perfect tool for boosting your energy levels beforehand. If you’re not sure what HIIT is, it stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. It’s a powerful exercise style that sees you alternating between working out as hard as you can and taking it slower and easier with a gentler form of exercise. If you’ve tried other workouts and not seen the results you hoped to see, then you really need to try HIIT. 

You’ll be amazed at the difference, and in a relatively short space of time too. If it’s been months and nothing has changed, you may want to explore this further by looking at Google for a digestive disease clinic near me. It could be that there is something else wrong. 

So, back to HIIT. The great thing about HIIT is that it concentrates on burning fat – perhaps as much as nine times more than you lose in a regular cardio workout, according to some studies. And yet you get to keep and improve your muscle mass too. The upshot of exercising in this way is that your metabolism keeps working – burning fat – at an elevated rate for up to 24 hours after you’ve finished your exercise session. 

So where exactly does the Matcha green tea bit come in? Well, to reap the full benefits of HIIT, you need to concentrate on your pre-workout nutrition regime. Your body must be prepared for the intensive training ahead. Not only does Matcha boost your metabolism, helping speed up the process of turning food into energy, it also gives you a caffeine boost. This helps your endurance levels so you can exercise for longer and harder. And again, in combination with the catechins naturally occurring in green tea, it works with your body to burn and oxidize fats faster. 

So next time you’re preparing for any kind of workout, particularly a HIIT session, why not treat yourself to a delicious iced Matcha organic green tea drink made with Matcha green tea powder? There are plenty of recipes available online. You could be doing yourself, your weight loss program and your summer body massive favor!

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