LoveBug Probiotics Launch Campaign

LoveBug Probiotics Launch Campaign Blogger Opp

Ashley Harris is the founder and CEO of LoveBug Nutrition. The company is launching an exciting new line of probiotics for women this month. They are looking for bloggers who have a dedication to educating women and mothers on how to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

LoveBug was founded in 2014 after Ashley was diagnosed with Celiac, Candida, and a host of other unpleasant-sounding gut issues. Probiotics transformed her health and the more she learned about the importance of gut health and the connection to a myriad of illnesses that people are plagued with in modern society, it became her mission to develop the perfect line of probiotics for women and share them with the world. As a result, LoveBug Probiotics contains no GMOs or preservatives, are gluten free, soy free, sugar free, and lactose free. They even package their probiotics with organic cotton!

If you are interested in reviewing the new line of probiotics for women from LoveBug, please complete the information requested below. Ashley or a member of her team will be in touch with you directly if you are chosen to participate.


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