Maintaining Your Heat Pump for Year Round Performance

If you’re like many people, you’ve probably had your heat pump running nonstop this summer. How else are you going to combat the hot temperatures and high humidity? Your heat pump has a tough job keeping you and your family comfortable during the summer and — depending on where you live — throughout the year. If you live in the Southeast region of the United States, you most likely use your heat pump to cool your home eight to nine months of the year and heat your home the remaining three to four months.

To make sure your heat pump stays in working order, be sure to schedule regular maintenance appointments. During one of these appointments, an HVAC technician can inspect your heat pump and make any necessary repairs. Often, HVAC technicians can find and fix problems before issues get worse, which ultimately saves you money and energy. A neglected heat pump can use up to 25 percent more energy than a well-maintained one.

Maintaining Your Heat Pump

With heat pump maintenance, you can do some tasks yourself, such as changing filters and removing clutter from around the unit. However, you should always leave technical, complicated maintenance to a trained HVAC professional. In the infographic above, originally published by, you’ll find several heat pump maintenance items that you can complete yourself and a list of services that a professional will complete during a service appointment. Discover why regular heat pump maintenance will help to keep your unit functioning when you need it the most.

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