Momma’s Ramblings

Today’s been a rough day for me for some reason.  Might have something to do with the late nights to bed the past few days, or the fact that my Man Thing is having health issues and is just too damn STUBBORN to carry his ass to the emergency room like I have told him, like his cardiologist has told him, like his primary care physician has told him.  His favorite response to that is, “I have work to do,” to which I reply, “Well you won’t be able to do it when you’re DEAD either jackass!” 

Sigh.  He’s a man….need I say more?

J. has been thoroughly enjoying his *vacation* from school with the Man Thing giving him back his XBox and his computer so he’s not *bored* while he’s home on suspension for ten days.  Um, that’s the whole POINT of suspension – a *punishment* for something you did wrong.  Well homework came home today for him – and I’m picking his textbooks up at school from his locker tomorrow….vacation is O-V-E-R because there will also be some “momma assigned” reading homework to be done as well.  Checked on his grades today and he’s failing EVERYTHING but one class for the 3rd Quarter.  Not good.  Not ACCEPTABLE – especially when I know he can do the work and he’s just refusing to do it on principle for whatever reason.

I’ve also been tossing about the idea of trying to find something on a full-time basis that I can do from home.  Due to my own health issues – it would need to be something that I can do from home for the next six to 12 months though until I can get MY issues dealt with – then I can return to the ‘normal’ workforce if I so desire.  I’m also going to be getting my driver license back.  It’s been long enough that I’ve been without it, and I miss driving and being able to go where I want whenever I want.  Heaven knows that I don’t want anything at all to happen to the Man Thing – but I need to be sure that I am able to take care of myself and my children in the event something should happen and he’s no longer able to work – so I’m tossing about ideas there as well.

The future is up in the air at the moment – on lots of fronts – so I think rather than try to deal with them all any longer, I’m going to just say adieu and call it a night. 

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