Have you ever looked at your children and wondered, “Am I doing this parenting thing right?” You are not alone, we have all had those moments. I remember being a new mom in North Carolina, no family within 400+ miles, when my daughter was born. I was extremely confident. I read all the parenting books, new mommy books, I had this.
When she was about three weeks old, I looked at her sleeping in her bounce chair on the couch and had a complete breakdown. I looked at this little sleeping angel and realized, I am responsible for this little person for the rest of my life. It scared the hell out of me.
Let’s be real. We’re raising the next generation. The generation that will one day run this country. Will one day vote for our leaders, may even be our leaders. We’re raising the next teen idol, Hollywood heart-throb, the next Miss America, Babe Ruth, or Steve Jobs. It’s a tough job, and those little ones don’t come with an instruction manual. Trust me, I’ve checked every nook, cranny and orifice of my kids trying to find it. It doesn’t exist.
So let’s help each other out. If you’re a blogger and you want to share a post that you wrote about your own #MomWisdom experiences, link it up. Not a blogger? Share your #MomWisdom in the comments or on our Facebook page.
- Have a tip on dealing with temper tantrums in the grocery store?
- Advice to share on teenagers, peer pressure, bullying?
- Have a teething baby that you can’t soothe?
- Is your pre-teen fascinated with setting things on fire?
Have a problem? Leave it in the comments for one of our moms to answer. Have a solution to a problem posted? Share what worked for you.
Parenting takes a village – an army sometimes. It isn’t a matter of parent vs. parent. We’re all in this together, so let’s share the love and raise a future generation that we all can be proud of.
If you would like to be a weekly host on #MomWisdom and share this link-up on your blog, contact Kim at LifeInAHouse@outlook.com.
Parenting is Tough. We’ve Got Your Back.

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