#MomWisdom Mondays – Week 2

#MomWisdom Mondays - Life in a House of Testosterone

Welcome to Week 2 of #MomWisdom Mondays!

Let’s be real. We’re raising the next generation. The generation that will one day run this country. Will one day vote for our leaders, may even be our leaders. We’re raising the next teen idol, Hollywood heart-throb, the next Miss America, Babe Ruth, or Steve Jobs. It’s a tough job, and those little ones don’t come with an instruction manual. Trust me, I’ve checked every nook, cranny and orifice of my kids trying to find it. It doesn’t exist.

I would like to introduce our brand new co-host – Julie from Velvet-Rose.net! Julie is a 30-something wife, first-time mom, engineer (woo hoo – another Girl Geek!), reader, blogger, and fangirl blogging about her journey through life, career, pregnancy, and parenthood. You can connect with Julie on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, Pinterest, and Bloglovin’.

#MomWisdom Monday Hosts

Since we are a brand new linkup, we welcome your suggestions for weekly themes! This week, in honor of our brand new co-host, we’re looking for your advice and questions on:

#MomWisdom Mondays - Breastfeeding and the Working Mom

Breastfeeding Moms Working Outside the Home

  • What has been your biggest challenge as a breastfeeding mom working outside the home?
  • How do you handle the need to breastfeed your child when in a public place (restaurant, park, etc.)
  • How have you overcome any obstacles or problems you’ve had with being a breastfeeding mom working outside the home?

#MomWisdom is all about sharing what you’ve learned with your own kids (either from the experts or by trial and error) and lifting each other up when we need it most. Parenting takes a village – an army sometimes. It isn’t a matter of parent vs. parent. We’re all in this together, so let’s share the love and raise a future generation that we all can be proud of.

  • Are you a blogger? Share a post that you wrote of your own #MomWisdom experiences in the linkup below.
  • Not a blogger? Share your #MomWisdom in the comments or on our Facebook page.
  • Have a problem? Leave it in the comments for one of our moms to answer or for us to tackle in the theme next week.

If you would like to be a weekly host on #MomWisdom Mondays and share this link-up on your blog, contact Kim at LifeInAHouse@outlook.com.

Parenting is Tough. We’ve Got Your Back.

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