Musical Bloggers

I subscribe or follow well over 240+ blogs either via Google Friend Connect or via my Google Reader subscriptions.  When you are attempting to get “caught up” on your blog reading, there is absolutely nothing more annoying then loading a blog and being bombarded with an onslaught of music.  I am talking about the musical bloggers out there who love to share their favorite tracks and artists with their readers.  I know there are a multitude of players out there that can be embedded into your blog that allow your readers to listen along, but these players also have the option to embed them and allow the READER the choice to listen to what you have in your player or to continue listening to what YOU are listening to while YOU surf the internet.


It also seriously bogs down the load time on your blog.  When you have several windows open so that you can view your reader list, read a particular blog post, have email open to email something cool you come across – that adds to the lag time and possibly crashing your entire system.


I understand that we creative types love to listen to music or their favorite television episodes playing in the background – it helps our ‘creative muse’ get into gear and enable us to crank out the wonderful things that music inspires in us to share with you.


So if you wish to share your music with the world, the songs that inspire and motivate and keep your feet tapping – by all means please do!!!  We love that you share a part of you with us, your readers.  Just please remember to give us the option to listen – or not – if we choose to.


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