A few weeks ago, Brent Faulkner, managing partner at MBIntel.net, reached out to me to see if I would like the opportunity to review their metric based home risk assessment tool – the only one that is available to the public. At first, I honestly did not think it was something I would be interested in. That is, until I came home and found my apartment reeking of the smell of burnt paper to find that Tre was – once again – burning stuff in his room. This time it just happened to be a stack of post-it notes.
If you remember, the home that my brother and sister and I grew up in was lost to a home fire back in 2011. I showed my youngest son the video of the house burning, of the dangers that he was putting not only himself, but the other residents in our building in, to no avail. So I decided that it was time to take some action and see just where there might be some gaps in our protection that we could take care of immediately.
About the Professionals
MBIntel was established by a group of security and safety professionals – some of the best in their fields. They have assisted many government organizations and large private sector companies to understand their risk of criminal activity, natural disasters and terrorism, and then provide them with effective solutions to lower that risk. Their combined staff has decades of experience in Security, Law Enforcement, Counter Terrorism, Intelligence, Military Special Operations, Fire and Rescue, Emergency Preparation, and Wilderness Survival.
About the MyIntel Service
If you could have an expert in home security, safety, and emergency preparedness visit your home, identify areas where you might be at risk, and then give you a detailed, customized report in under 20 minutes on how to improve all of these things, would you do it? That’s what MyIntel does. It’s quick, safe, and completely private.
I had the opportunity to review the paid report, which gave me a complete, comprehensive 17 page report detailing the different areas of my home that I can make more secure and safe, in addition to alerting me to the fact that I need to ensure that we have an emergency food and water supply on hand as well as a fully-stocked first aid kit. (That’s a given with two skateboarders in the house!) I can take the report and go through each section and take care of the security, safety, and emergency sections one by one – and the report was well worth the price of $29.95.
My overall home risk analysis for 2015 score was 49% – in the average range. I scored a 57% in the Security Section (8% below average), 57% in the Safety Section (13% below average), and 27% in the Emergency Section (37% below average). From start to finish, it took me approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Living in an apartment, some of the security and safety measures are out of my hands to correct, but the Emergency Section is definitely something that we can work on. I scored a red shield on the fire safety section – something that we are definitely in the process of correcting as I type this!
Get your FREE Home Risk Analysis, no credit card required!
To get started on your own personalized home risk analysis report just go to www.mbintel.net and click on begin analysis. It really is that easy – and free!
Disclosure: While I received the full analysis report free in exchange for my review, all thoughts and opinions are my own, as usual. This truly is a service that I feel would benefit each of you, and I invite you to take a look for yourself with the free version and then make a determination on whether you wish to obtain the full analysis report. I believe you’ll benefit from the full analysis.