Our Fall Favorites: Fabulous Fall Scents

My sincere apologies for the delay in posting this first in a series of Our Fall Favorites. I’ve been dealing with a horrid abscessed tooth (two to be exact) and haven’t been up to par this week. I hope you enjoy!

Ah, fall. When this particular season rolls around, it just automatically invokes a sense of peace and harmony inside me along with that “warm and fuzzy” feeling that I love.

For me, September has always been the unofficial start of the year, even when I was younger. My world has always revolved around the school year for some reason (quite possibly because I’m a geek at heart). Since becoming a mom, that feeling has just solidified itself in my heart and mind even more so over the past 20+ years.

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year – not just because of the beautifully rich and vibrant colors that Mother Nature affords us with each year – but because of the wonderful scents that come with the season as well!

Today in Our Fall Favorites series we are sharing our favorite fall scents with you! Diamond Candles has two truly amazing scents available right now that fit right in with our favorite fall scents – Caramel Apple Cider and Pumpkin Chai!

I know quite a few of the local coffee shops such as Starbucks and Krispy Kreme are offering Pumpkin Spiced drinks as well – but to be quite honest, nothing compares for me to the Pumpkin Spice Cappachino that I can get from our local Fas-Mart Convenience Store right across the street. I don’t even care a percentage of the time if I drink it, I just want to sit there and smell it for hours on end!

When I think of autumn – the first few things that come to mind are: pumpkins, hay bales, crisp mornings and evenings, coffee, sweet potato pies, hot chocolate, cinnamon and spice, and hot apple cider.

Did you know that those favorite fall scents that you love so much also have some added health benefits? They sure do! Check out the article from Huffington Post’s Lifestyle section to find out what they are.

I have a guilty secret too. During the winter months, I sometimes forget about my beloved cup of coffee and I’ll drink hot apple cider instead or some hot chocolate with a kick of instant coffee mixed in during the afternoons. Here is an absolutely marvelous hot apple cider recipe from Kim over at Oh Sweet Joy! for you to enjoy (click the image)

What are some of your favorite fall scents? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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