Overcoming Feelings of Worthlessness: Steps In the Right Direction

In life, there will always be ups and downs. The road we travel sometimes presents great setbacks and challenges, and at other times is full of joys and rewards. How do we keep on track when the road seems steadily downhill? What if the sun on our horizon seems to have set and we don’t know how it may rise again? To begin with, it’s important to realize that everyone experiences similar difficulties. The real key is in how to work through them, overcome them, and in the end triumph despite them.

Determine the Cause

As with everything, the root cause of your feelings or worthlessness or “inferiority” must be addressed. It may be something as simple as a childhood experience of rejection, or a social faux pas. Recognizing the root cause can help you get over the inferiority very quickly if you can recall the experience and bring it to the surface. This can be painful, depending on the cause, yet is the first step to take.

Don’t Blame Yourself for the Mistakes of Others

After having determined the root cause, remind yourself that worthlessness is not just because someone in the past had that opinion of you. Don’t blame yourself or establish your worth based on previous experiences that were beyond your control.

Change Your Mental Self-Image

Sometimes our self-image is permanently warped due to the feelings of inferiority experienced. Fixing this is one of the most powerful actions we can do to combat this complex. When it is based on a false belief, fixing this can also change your image of yourself.

Remove Labels You Have Acquired

This can be another effective way to rid yourself of a complex. Labels are words. They may require a lot of effort to remove, but again, remember that it is worth this effort in the end. One thing to consider for helping with this is either hypnosis or trying an ibogaine treatment.

Build Your Self Confidence

Increasing self-esteem or self-confidence will help a lot. Self-confidence and self-esteem are polar opposites. If you acquire one of them, it will leave no room for the other. Building healthy self-confidence will help you feel your true worth. 

Practice Positive Affirmations 

Many of us struggle with negative self-talk or automated negative thoughts. Fixing this by using positive affirmations can go a long way. It is important to use affirmations that are true, or that we are striving for, so as not to create a facade for the inferiority, which may actually make the difficulties worse in the end. It’s important that whatever we strive to do to overcome the inferiority; it does not just become a crust or shell that covers it and doesn’t address the root problems.

Be sure that you are not alone when struggling with these issues. Also, know that facing them is not as challenging as one thinks.  Ignoring the problems will definitely result in depression or anxiety. Don’t be afraid to address the situations in your past that have created this complex, and know that you are not alone in this! There is light at the end of the tunnel!

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