Powerful Methods for Getting More Sleep in a 24-Hour World

In today’s economy, production is more important than human well-being. Because of this, many people go years without getting adequate sleep, burning the candle at both ends. Others don’t work as much, but the effort involved in earning money takes such a psychological toll that they can’t sleep at night, even if they wanted to. 

Sleep, though, is critical for health. Not only does it make your time awake more enjoyable, but it also protects against disease and helps you become more productive in every area of your life. 

In this post, we take a look at some powerful methods for getting more sleep in a 24-hour world. Here’s what you need to know. 

Meditate In The Morning And Before You Go To Sleep

Meditation isn’t just a trendy New Age spiritual practice. It’s something that people have been doing for millennia and a powerful way to tame the mind. 

Meditation is the practice of letting thoughts come and go without judgment. It’s a powerful tool for insomnia because it separates the mind from your consciousness. Once you begin to identify with the consciousness and not the mind, unwanted thoughts lose their power over you and you can go through life’s rhythms with ease, just like animals. 

There are several forms of meditation available. One is mindfulness meditation. Here you simply observe thoughts as they pass through without commenting on them. You focus on being in the present moment and avoid letting thoughts wander. If they start straying, you bring yourself back to the center.

Another approach is body scan meditation. Here you focus on relaxing each part of your body one by one. You start by relaxing your calves, then your thighs, then your stomach, and so on. Eventually, you reach the top of the head, making sure that you are not straining around the eyes. 

You can also try guided meditation. Here you follow someone else’s instructions, a great option for beginners. 

Try Moving Meditations

Some people struggle with conventional seated meditations. That’s why it’s a good idea to try moving meditations instead. These help you forget about life’s challenges while also getting you in the mood for bed. 

Yoga is particularly effective. The practice is challenging, but once you finish doing it, your body feels like it is in a different place. It floods you with relaxation hormones that make it much easier to forget the troubles of the day and drift off into a deep sleep. 

Use Adaptogens

Thanks to the modern world, many people are living inside bodies that are out of whack with their surroundings and environment. They would love to feel relaxed but can’t due to pollution, bad diet, constant work stress, and lack of physical activity. 

Changing one’s lifestyle wholesale is challenging. However, taking adaptogens is easy. These substances regulate the body’s internal chemistry, bringing it back to baseline. 

For instance, many people combine Delta 8 Gummies with other hemp compounds to feel more relaxed and secure before bed. Others take anti-inflammatory herbs. Pick a combination of compounds that works for you and see whether you fall asleep faster. 

Take A Shower Before Bed

Taking a shower before bed has two effects. First, it helps you better regulate your body temperature. As you dry off, your body cools down, sending your mind a signal that it is ready for bed. 

Second, it makes you feel more relaxed. After taking a shower many people feel like a burden has been lifted from their minds and that they are able to face the challenges of the day with renewed strength and vigor. 

Avoid Blue Light

Emailing your boss late at night might be good for your career, but it is poison for your body. When you look at a bright screen, it changes your brain’s chemistry, preparing you to wake up, not go to sleep, and disrupting your circadian rhythm. 

Sleep professionals recommend that people avoid blue light-emitting devices for two hours before they go to bed. They also suggest avoiding doom scrolling, or the practice of reading the worst possible news. 

Start Journaling

Many people find it helpful to journal. Writing down their thoughts and feelings and getting them out on paper externalizes them, helping to release the mind. Therefore, if you are struggling to sleep because of anxiety, try writing down what is bothering you and see if getting it on the page helps you feel better. 

Other good habits of getting more sleep include avoiding the news, exercising more during the day, exposing yourself to bright sunlight in the morning, and waking up at the same time, every day. 

I personally can attest to waking up at the same time, every day – yes, even on weekends! On the weekends when I decide I want to “sleep in” I have a horrid time actually getting up and moving around. On the weekends I do decide to sleep in, I’m usually in bed the entire day because I’m too tired to do anything else!

What are some tips you have used to help you through the day? Share them in the comments below with us!

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