Prep Your Home for Sale with these Top Hints

hints, prep your home for sale

Now might not be the best time to sell your home, but it might also present a great opportunity to make a sale, and this is something to keep in mind. So, you are going to have to make sure you come up with ideas that are going to help you make the most of this. Come up with ideas that are going to help you make the best decisions for your home and give it the best chance of a good sale. 

You are going to need to focus on doing as much as possible to think about the right ways of preparing your home moving forward. This is an area you’ll need to focus on as much as possible and something that can be achieved in many different ways. Here are some of the tried and true ways to prepare your home for selling the right way.

Keep it Clean and Tidy

bedroom staging

If you’re a clean freak, you’ve got this one covered. You’re the type of person who dusts and vacuums every day does quarterly cleaning of the exterior and has a yard the neighbors envy. You can move on to the next topic.

For those of us with a house full of people constantly in and out, this might take a bit more time. Keeping your home clean and tidy is something you need to make the most of right now. Set up guidelines for household members to clean up after themselves, shoes off at the door, etc. to help you take care of keeping your home looking clean and well presented. Be sure to check out our deep cleaning article to really cover all the bases and then simply work on maintaining.

Stage it if Needed

As someone who fairly recently viewed many homes when we were looking for a new home, staging is super important when it comes to selling your home to a prospective buyer. You want to ensure light and space throughout your home in every room. If you smoke in your home – STOP. Air the house out before allowing potential buyers to come to view the home, place fresh flowers throughout the home. View House A and House B in the video below to see what not to do.

If you have no experience staging a home, hire a professional. You’ll thank us later. If you want to do this yourself, these are the best ways of staging your property for sale to get your home sold quickly.

Make Sure Repair Work is Done

There will be repairs that you need to do to your home before you put it on the market to sell. Your home will need to be able to pass inspection, so check every room, the roof, gutters, foundation, etc. Things like crawl space repair professionals are going to prove invaluable at this time. Making sure you keep the home repaired as well as possible is so important. 

Choose the Right Time to Sell

One of the key things you need to think about when prepping your home for sale is choosing the right time to sell. While most people agree that spring is a great time to sell your home, for those that live near the coast where some areas can be foggy and cold all summer, fall is a better time. Add your spectacular yard with changing colors during the fall season, and this would be the best time to list your home.

There are so many factors that play a part in the process of selling your home, so do as much as you can to come up with great ideas to achieve your goal. Talk with local realtors, your neighbors, etc. to find out when the best season is for your area and then go from there.

bathroom staging

Preparing your home to sell it means your focus is going to be on doing as much as possible to enhance your home and property and look at it with a critical eye, as a potential buyer. Remember to breathe, have an organized list, and take things one step at a time. You got this!

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