Rain’s a Fallin’ – How to Keep Your Home Safe From The Storm

We may have left the snowy winter behind (or we are trying to), but there’s going to be another type of weather soon on its way to threaten our homes: April showers. While we can expect to have many glorious days over the next couple of months, it’s just a fact of life that, during the transition into summer, we’re also going to see some pretty heavy rainfall.

Rain's a fallin' ... Is Your Home Ready for April Showers?

When the weather gets extra wet and windy, there’s always the chance that we may have an unexpected – and entirely unwelcome – guest in our home: water. Below, we take a look at how you can minimize the danger, and what to do if you wake up to a house with water damage.

Check Your Plumbing and Gutters

It’s not entirely unreasonable to say that we might have a month’s worth of rain falling in just a few days. These are changing days for the climate, after all! This shouldn’t be anything that’ll cause too many upsets in the house, but you’ll be setting yourself up for trouble if your infrastructure isn’t set to cope with the increased rainfall. Check that your gutters are clear, so rain can move away from your house, and also check that your plumbing is in full working condition.

Gaps in the Roof

High winds and heavy rain can make your roof particularly at risk. All it takes is a few slates to be torn away, and in no time at all, you could find that you have a leak in your house. If it has been some time since you’ve replaced your roof, contact a roofing contractor and have a metal roof installed. They’re excellent at dealing with rainfall and have a long life expectancy. Remember: it’s also wise to get your roof replaced before it’s too late!

Pay Attention to the Basement

Your basement, if you have one, will be especially at risk of flooding. A lot of people assume that their basement is always going to be a bit wet, but it doesn’t have to be this way! Checking your gutters, as mentioned above, will help, as will filling in any foundation cracks.

Electrical Goods

Your house isn’t just at risk from the water. There’s also the danger of what might happen if water gets on your electrical items. This is a great fire risk! As such, you’ll want to make sure that everything is switched off and unplugged as a matter of routine. When the weatherman predicts heavy rainfall, remove your electrical goods from the ground floor and put them somewhere safe.

Consider a Generator

Power outages are common during heavy storms. These aren’t just inconvenient; they can also do lasting damage to your home, especially if you require a piece of machinery (such as sewer pump) to keep your home running. As such, consider buying a generator. You never know when you might need one, but when you do, you’ll be thankful that you thought ahead.

All going well, it’ll be a dry spring – but if not, you’ll be ready for the elements.

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