Realistic Tips to Survive a Home Remodel Project with Kids

Your home is in need of a renovation, whether it’s the kitchen, the bathroom, or something even more large-scale. You have the money set aside, and the design details are selected. There’s just one thing standing in your way: your kids. Surviving a home renovation or remodel can be difficult regardless of your family situation, but when you have children, it can be an even bigger obstacle.

Fortunately, you can manage your family and still have your home updated, but it may take a little planning and balance on your part.

Realistic Tips to Survive a Home Remodel with Kids

Choose the Right Contractor

One of the most important things you can do for yourself, your family and your home is to make the right choices before you ever start your renovation. Perhaps the most pivotal choice is the contractor you’ll go with. Use an online resource to check reviews for local contractors, and find someone who has a reputation for being on time, on budget and if possible, someone who has done work in a house where kids are present. A good contractor will be able to take care of safety concerns, and make sure there are as few hassles as possible for you as a homeowner.

Discuss Your Family Life with Your Contractor

If you choose the right contractor, and you’re open and communicate with that person well, it’s going to make your life a lot easier. When you decide on a contractor, make sure you let them know about your children and what your daily life is. Outline your expectations regarding how you’d like to see the construction process go, and make sure you go into detail with that person about how they’ll maintain a safe work environment if you’re staying in your home throughout the remodel. As well as speaking with your contractor, you should also make sure they’re going to give subcontractors the same instructions and safety guidance.

Plan For Disruptions

If you’re planning any remodeling project, there are likely to be some disruptions in your life, but you can mitigate the impact by planning for them ahead of time. For example, if you’re doing a kitchen remodel, set up a temporary kitchen in your garage or another free space. Try to equip it with most of the things you use on a daily basis, such as a microwave, dishes, and cutlery. Even though it might not be ideal, having this in place ahead of time can at least give you some level of convenience.

Try to Maintain Routines

Kids thrive when there are routines in their lives, and as hard as it can be to maintain a sense of normalcy during a remodel, it is important. If you can keep your routine as close to normal as possible, your kids will be less uneasy about the entire situation, and your family life will go more smoothly.

As a final tip, make sure you plan plenty of family outings to get out of the construction zone and away from the remodel. Your kids will still want that valuable quality time with you, even if you’re preoccupied with a big home project. Make sure you’re giving them that attention and they’re more likely to feel comfortable with what’s happening around them.

One thought on “Realistic Tips to Survive a Home Remodel Project with Kids

  1. I didn’t think a renovation would be stressful. But it can be. There’s a lot that can get out of whack and quick. I think the waiting game is also a big factor. Waiting for things to complete. Then the next phase. Ughh.

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