Recipe: Citrus Freeze Cocktail and Citrus Cologne Splash

This summer is showing itself to be a scorcher, at least here in the south with temperatures soaring into the high 90s and heat indexes reaching into the 105 degree or more range. The community pool has been packed for the past several days, but if you’re a grown-up and you want to kick back and enjoy something cold and refreshing – this is exactly what the doctor ordered to beat the summer heat!

Citrus Freeze

A delicious drink to help you cool off on those hot summer days!
Author: Sparkling Ice



  • In a blender, add one cup of ice, tequila, Sparkling Ice Lemon Lime, and lime juice.
  • Blend until smooth and pour into a glass and serve with a lime wedge.

If you want to save some money, pick up several fresh limes from your local grocer and try this amazing Citrus Cologne Splash as well to help keep you cool and refreshed. You can find this recipe on page 260 of the Reader’s Digest Homemade: 707 Products to Make Yourself to Save Money and the Earth, available at Amazon.

Citrus Cologne Splash

Make this cooling scent at home for spare change
Calories: 58kcal


  • 1 lime
  • 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
  • 3 teaspoons lemon extract or orange extract your preference


  • Juice the lime and strain out the pulp.
  • Combine the rubbing alcohol, lime juice and lemon or orange extract in a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Shake well.


Dab on your pulse points. You can also transfer the splash to a spray bottle. Keep splash stored in the refrigerator.

Here’s to a cool-as-can-be summer!

Citrus Freeze

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