Remedies That Will Get Rid Of Your Yellow Teeth For Good

Most people start their adult lives with bright pearly-white teeth, but over time, they can become more yellow. 

The reason for this has to do with the structure of the teeth. Our teeth are made of various layers. At the core is a soft mesh of blood vessels and nerve endings. Surrounding that is a yellowy substance called dentin, and then on top of that is the enamel. 

Image by Joey Velasquez from Pixabay

Ideally, you want a thick layer of enamel encasing your teeth, hiding the yellowy dentin beneath. Unfortunately, as we get older, the enamel wears away, and the dentin begins to show through. Before long, we have a set of yellowy teeth than look long past their best. 

So is there anything you can do to reverse this yellowing or get rid of it altogether? It turns out that there is. Check out these remedies that will get rid of your yellow teeth for good. 

Remedy #1: Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is becoming more popular as a tooth-whitening agent. You can now find it in all kinds of toothpaste products, including those from the major brands. 

Even though it is black, activated charcoal is actually an excellent stain-removal agent. 

It works by sanding down the stains on the surface of teeth as you brush. Tiny charcoal particles rub against the enamel, lifting ingrained stains. 

Just be warned, it takes a few sessions for activated charcoal to work. It’s unlikely that you’ll see a difference immediately. Over the course of about two weeks, however, you’ll start to notice significant changes. You could also use a bamboo toothbrush with charcoal bristles if you don’t like the taste or feel of activated charcoal.

Remember to rinse your mouth out thoroughly after brushing with charcoal. You do not want to swallow it if you can avoid it. 

Remedy #2: Eat High Water Content Fruit

While whole fruit is good for you, it tends to be highly acidic, which slowly wears away enamel over time. 

Experts, therefore, recommend that you choose fruits with high water content. The reason for this is that the water naturally neutralizes the acid, helping to cut down on the damage that certain fruits can cause. Good examples of high-water fruit include passion fruit and persimmons. 

Remedy #3: Replace Damaged Teeth

Some teeth can appear yellow not because the dentin is exposed, but because the tooth has died. Dead teeth tend to take on a darker, yellowy-brown color, contrasting with the rest of the teeth in your mouth. 

Once a tooth has died, it’s usually impossible to bring it back to life. Often the nerve has died – something that can’t regrow. 

Fortunately, there are a host of affordable teeth replacement options that let you replace problem teeth that no amount of whitening will resolve. 

Remedy #4: Use A DIY Tooth Whitening Paste

While you can buy all manner of commercial toothpaste that claims to whiten your teeth, you might want to try making your own. 

The two essential ingredients for DIY tooth whitening paste are hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. 

Baking soda has been a popular ingredient in toothpaste for many years, thanks to its ability to lift stains naturally and safely. Hydrogen peroxide is a more dangerous bleaching chemical but is safe when you use it in small amounts. Many dentists paint the substance onto your teeth during professional whitening servicings. 

Remedy #5: Apple Cider Vinegar

Research from both humans and animals suggests that apple cider vinegar has a potent tooth-whitening effect, but only when used in small quantities. 

To make an apple cider vinegar mouth wash, mix two teaspoons of vinegar with six ounces of water. Swish around your mouth for around 30 seconds and then spit it out. Afterward, rinse your mouth out with water to neutralize the acid. 

Do not brush your teeth for at least an hour afterward. If you do, you could brush away enamel softened by the apple vinegar acid exposure.

Remedy #6: Use Coconut Oil To Get Rid Of Bacteria In Your Mouth

Image by Aleš Kartal from Pixabay

Bacteria are another cause of teeth yellowing and dulling. Over time, bacteria produce plaque which can then turn into a yellowy-brown substance called tartar which covers the teeth and the gaps between them. 

Many people believe that coconut oil pulling is a useful technique for removing tartar and restoring the mouth to health. 

Coconut oil pulling is incredibly easy. Heat the coconut oil gently until it melts. You shouldn’t need to heat it much more than about 42 degrees. Then use a couple of teaspoons of liquid and swish it around your mouth, being careful not to swallow, for around 30 seconds. Afterward, spit it out in the toilet, as oil can block your sink drain. 

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