Going on a road trip is always a fun and exciting pastime. All you do for a road trip is take a few supplies, get in your car, and get out into the open road!
Road trips can also serve as educational pastimes — especially when visiting historical points of interest, for example. There are many positive things to say about going on road trips. But, the only major downside is the cost: some road trips could cost you a lot of cash in various ways!

Of course, if you are a savvy motorist, you will no doubt want to keep your spending to a minimum. With that in mind, here are a few ways to do so while having fun at the same time.
Use Satellite Navigation to Guide You Around
The brilliant thing about satellite navigation is they don’t cost much to buy. Plus, a significant benefit to having one is that you can plan your routes, so you use the least amount of fuel.
When you lower your fuel consumption, your total bill is going to be lower than anticipated! Did you know that sat-navs can also help you avoid traffic blackspots? If you haven’t already got a sat-nav, now is the time to invest in one.
Stick to the Speed Limits
It might be tempting to hit the open road with your foot down on the gas pedal. But, what happens if there is a highway patrol car hiding on what you thought was an empty stretch of road?
The last thing you want to do is let your road trip leave a bitter taste in your mouth by receiving a speeding ticket. That’s why you should stick to the speed limits, regardless of the time of day or night.
Consider Camping in the Great Outdoors
Are you planning a summer road trip? If so, one savvy way to save on accommodation costs is by camping in a tent in the great outdoors. If you don’t use a dedicated campsite, it will be completely free. Even if you did stay at a campground, the costs are nominal compared to staying in a hotel.
Of course, if you wanted some luxury but didn’t wish to stay in a hotel, you could always go out in an RV or check out some of the amazing glamping campsites that are popping up everywhere. Camping is still a brilliant way to save cash and be at one with the world around you.
Buy Food & Drinks from Supermarkets
When you go on a road trip, you don’t have to eat junk food from a roadside diner, for example. Instead, it makes more sense to do some shopping at supermarkets during your journey.
Aside from saving a considerable sum of money, you also get more choices for food and drink. There is also the fact you can stock up on your favorites and save even more cash!
Check Gas Prices Before You Buy
Last, but not least, it makes sense to check gas prices before crossing state lines. Did you know they can vary wildly in price? It’s easy to check online at how much your nearest gas stations charge for fuel.
I use this amazing app to save money on gas prices. It’s called GetUpside and will save you up to 25¢/gallon all over Texas and the East Coast – from Florida to New York! If you live in Houston, Austin or the DC area, you can also save up to 35% at restaurants and 15% at grocery stores near you. (You lucky ducks lol). I have saved quite a bit using the app and have cashed out to my account several times since I’ve been using it!