Roof Maintenance: What You Need to Do and Why You Need to Do It

Roof Maintenance_ What You Need to Do and Why You Need to Do It

Roofing maintenance is a critical process and should not be taken lightly as many people assume that there is no more work required once the roof is installed.IT is wrong to think the warranty will provide the proper maintenance repairs and not correct.

Like any other part of the building, roof maintenance and inspection are crucial investments that will provide you with long service life and reduce the number and costs of emergency repairs.

11 Things You Need To Do

#1 Keep And Maintain Records

You need to Keep record information of the roof from the time it was installed helps in the maintenance and time saving, this include

  • Guarantees and warranty records
  • Past inspection reports and photographs
  • Repair and maintenance costs
  • Original construction drawings, specifications, and invoices

Why You Need To Do It

Record keeping and maintenance help a lot when it comes to repairs or additional installations added on the roof.When it comes to re-roofing, it can save you time and money since you already know what was done and what is on the roof.

#2 Conduct Regular Inspections

Routine roof inspection at least once or twice a year will help detect roof problems early, protect government capital assets, and safely work/leaving the environment for all. Also, it is vital to have a guide checklist:

  • On exterior walls, check for signs of leaks, cracks, missing mortar, and stains
  • On the Interior roof deck and roof, edges check for deterioration, leaks, stains, check attachment and replace if necessary, paint any rusts metal
  • Roof it self check for firmness, record any damage for repairs
  • On the curbs, penetrations and drainage check for leaks, securements, etc

Why You Need To Do It

It helps you get ready for rough seasons and makes you aware of the damages and system repairs that may be needed, easing your mind from inspection by the Government and generally safety for all.

#4 Do The Correct Repairs

When doing the necessary repairs on your roof, you need a qualified party from a reputable roofing company. How will I do a good and perfect job without causing more damage?

Why You Need To Do It

It is crucial to understand that a qualified contractor is better positioned to assess the damage and recommend the proper materials needed for the repairs. Remember the roofing is a physically demanding job because it may require heavy lifting. If done incorrectly, it may cause additional problems that you would have prevented.

#5 Keep The Roof Clean And Free Of Debris

Ensure no debris on the roof and the roof is cleaned correctly. Debris such as:

  • Leaves, small limbs, sticks
  • Dirt, rocks, bottles, trash

Why You Need To Do It

Debris and trash can damage your roof and encourage algae growth and even wood rot, which can cause harm to the roofing system like leaks and trips, causing safety issues and over clogging.

#6 Maintain Roof Coating

You need a specialist to examine and re-coat cracks, flakes, blisters, and worn-out areas with a unique roof coat compatible with your roofing material.

Why You Need To Do It

Coating your roof protects it from strong UV and heavy rains through waterproofing, which will prolong your roof’s life against the elements and save you on the cost of heat energy If it is well reflective.

#7 Inspect After Severe Weather

During severe weather, your roof will likely get damaged. It is important you take your time and do an inspection immediately after the weather has gone down extreme weather elements like hailstorms, heavy rains, high winds.

Why You Need To Do It

This can save you time and cost before similar weather or potential small damage becomes more serious, leading to more costs and total damage to your roofing system that could have easily been avoided by taking the time to check the state of the roof.

#8 Inspect Metal, Chimneys And Vent Openings

Inspect all components of the roof to seal cracked walls and paint any rusted metal on the roof and examine:

  • metal flashing, bracket, and pitch pocket for rust deteriorated sealant and damage
  • Chimneys for cracks and mortar, then with a chimney brush and replace or fix the damaged cracks
  • Vent openings check for rusts and dust formation and clean it.

Why You Need To Do It

If all are in bad condition, it will lead to water entry points no matter how good your roofing system is.It may seem like hard work, but preventive work will help you cut costs on repairs.

#9 Upkeep The Rooftop Equipment

Inspect your roof top equipment for any problems that may allow or puncher allowing water infiltration,such as:

  • Air conditioners
  • Satellite dishes and antennas
  • Solar panels

Why You Need To Do It

Any piece of equipment on the roof needs maintenance. Ensure you follow the set manual installation procedure of such equipment to avoid damaging your roof and always check the roof after a service call is set up on your roof for damages.

#10 Minimize Traffic Flow On The Roof

It is crucial to minimize the traffic flow of people going on the rooftop without access. It would be helpful to keep a detailed log of people going to the roof in the case of a damage emergency. You should try to keep unauthorized people from accessing the roof.

Why You Need To Do It

Most roof designs are made to protect the structure from environmental elements, so constant traffic to the roof may war out the roofing structure ahead of its time.

#11 Keep Trees Trimmed 

Always keep a close eye on the trees next to your roof structure and do a routine trimming

Why You Need To Do It

Trimming helps to keep your roof structure safe from elements like heavy rains, storms, etc., as leaving trees untrimmed my blow straight and crushing into your roof.

In Conclusion

Roof maintenance is a critical element in the overall building prevention process. Routine inspection can prolong the roof system. Keeping a record history will help you save time and make the repairs sooner and check which roofing company is right for you such as Tip Top Roofing and what they are specialized in.

Roof Maintenance_ What You Need to Do and Why You Need to Do It
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