Saturday Awh Moments

Everyone of us have seen a picture that just steals your breathe away or makes you go “Awh…” at least once in our lives.  I love to share things with my readers that they might not find elsewhere – to always be unique and original (or try to anyway!) so I’m going to be starting up a Saturday Awh Moments meme for those of you that would like to follow along.  Would love it if you leave a comment and let me know which your favorite is!

All copyrights to these images belong to the original photographers.  I take no credit for their beauty whatsoever.







I love having the opportunity to remind people of the real reason that we are on this earth – to enjoy the simple things in life, to live each day to the fullest, to find some small spark of joy in each and every day, to ‘stop and smell the roses’ along your travels.  So take a moment today to just stop and ENJOY this beautiful world around us that we are blessed to be a part of.  Forget about the bills, the arguments, the neighbor you can’t stand, the broken dishwasher … forget about the economy, the gas prices, the wars, the sex trafficking, the drug epidemic … just stop and enjoy the SIMPLE, the BEAUTIFUL, the MAGICAL world that you live in.

May you all have a blessed day today and find that one spark of joy in YOUR day today.

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