Saying Goodbye to Maya Angelou

I never had the fortune to meet Maya Angelou, but I consider her one of my dearest mentors, a shining example of how I want to live my life. I first ‘met’ Dr. Angelou many years ago. I was going through a particularly dark time in my life and, quite frankly, didn’t really care any longer if I woke the next morning or not. I was deep in depression and could not dispel the fog that surrounded me and kept me from realizing that I was in charge of my own life, responsible for my own happiness.

still i rise by maya angelou

But still, like dust, I rise. Maya’s words reminded me of the conversations that I had with my Nana, about what it meant to be a woman, what it meant to be a lady but not be weak and allow another to control and manipulate. What it meant to stand up for yourself. I would like to think that my Nana was waiting to greet Maya yesterday at the gates of heaven, and that the two of them will have an absolutely marvelous time together, being the kindred spirits that they are.

dr maya angelou

Maya instilled in me that I can be whatever I want to be. That I can do whatever I want to do. That I need to go out and grab the world by the lapels because life is a bitch, and you’ve got to go out there and kick ass. I can do that Maya, because you have left behind a legacy to show that you can reinvent yourself. That you can have the life that you want.

‘Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

2 thoughts on “Saying Goodbye to Maya Angelou

  1. A beautiful post for a beautiful woman.  I have a tribute in me, but still emotional from her loss.  Her loss has hit me more than I could have ever imagine, she was a person who touched many, and in the many years to come, she will forever touch people.

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