Sleep Savings: Mattresses You Can Put on An Existing Foundation or Even the Floor

When you consider how many hours a week you spend sleeping it makes a lot of sense to choose a mattress that is going to deliver a comfortable and restful night of slumber, but it can be an expensive business getting what you want.

If you don’t have the budget to get a foundation for your mattress or even like the idea of sleeping lower to the floor where it is cooler, there are ways to get what you want without breaking the bank.

Here is a look at when to upgrade your mattress, plus an insight into the differences between rolling and Tri-Fold mattresses, plus an overview of the pros and cons of sleeping lower down than usual.

One without the other

Probably one of the first questions you might ask yourself after you have decided to shop around for a new mattress is do you need a new box spring as well?

The box spring or foundation will normally be an integral part of your standard bedding arrangement but regardless of whether you intend to use what you already have or ditch your existing one altogether, it is often unlikely that your present foundation will need replacing within the same timespan as the mattress.

It is suggested that you replace your mattress every 5 to 10 years depending on how good quality it is, but with normal wear and tear your foundation could last longer than that.

A couple of exceptions to that general rule would be If your current foundation has broken slats or the platform is not going to be appropriate for your new mattress.

If you don’t have any concerns on that score you can now concentrate on finding a good mattress on its own, and you might want to learn more from here if you are looking for some extra guidance.

Fit for the floor

If you are interested in the idea of finding a mattress that can go straight on the floor without needing a box spring or foundation, there are few things you might want to know before you choose one.

It could be that you are one of those people who enjoys sleeping a bit closer to the ground as opposed to having to climb up onto your bed to get under the sheets. Or you might be anticipating a few extra guests and you want an easy option to accommodate them.

When you need an extra bed or more options

There are two specific types of floor mattress to consider, the first of those options is a Tri-Fold mattress, which is otherwise known as a folding mattress.

You can expect most versions of a folding mattress to be small and lightweight, which is because they are designed to be portable. A Tri-Fold mattress will also often work out cheaper to buy than a traditional full-size version and they can also be small enough to be used as a portable option that you take with you when you are staying overnight at friends or family.

You don’t need to worry about having a base platform with a folding mattress and a good feature to look out for if this is your preference, would be a model that offers a non-slip bottom as one of its features.

If you want a bit of extra support while you sleep so close to the floor, you could find a memory foam model.

Roll out the mattress

The other type of floor mattress is also known as a Japanese bed, as well being called a tatami floor mat or rolling bed.

It might seem confusing to have various names for the same type of mattress but the main feature that applies to all of them is the fact that they can be rolled away neatly when not in use.

Some people might consider these to resemble oversized mattress pads and some do use them as a topper as well. A rolling mattress will likely be more compact and lightweight than the Tri-Fold option, but that flexibility can mean that you will want to check if the mattress comes with extra thin layers of foam for added comfort.

It’s up to you

Although these floor mattresses are generally seen as a temporary solution there is no reason why you can’t use one as a permanent sleeping arrangement.

It would be a good idea lift the mattress up regularly to air it and clean underneath but if you fancy sleeping closer to the ground on a nightly basis, it’s up to you to decide and there is no plausible reason why you shouldn’t consider the idea.

Kayleigh Finch is a Mommy lifestyle writer who, when not running around after her toddler, enjoys getting her thoughts, tips, and ideas out into the online world.

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