Slice: A Shopper’s Best Friend for Keeping Track of Everything You Buy Online

Slice Makes Life Easier

Slice Makes Life Easier

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work with Slice and give this little marvel app of theirs a try. I love to buy gifts and give them, but it seems that the older I get, the more forgetful I get. I’ve been known to gift the same person with the same gift, much to my horror.

I’m also a self-professed neat freak – well, when it comes to my computer and my smartphone. Everything is organized alphabetically in folders and sub-folders. Everything is categorized either by month, year, or topic. My daughter thinks I’ve lost my mind because the apps on my phone and my tablet are set up the same way.

Unfortunately, sometimes even my obsessive organization fails me and I cannot find a receipt for something. I also hate Siri. Every time I ask her a question I get something completely unrelated – so asking her to search for an email is just setting myself up for irritation. It’s one of the reasons that I was thrilled to try Slice. I don’t have to remember logins and passwords for the websites I make purchases on to check the status of my delivery. Slice does that, and so much more, at just the touch of a button!

Track Packages

Slice automatically picks up tracking numbers in your email whenever you buy something.

Stay Safe

Sometimes you forget to register a product, or misplace a receipt, or don’t provide your contact information for something you have purchased. With Slice, you get an alert when anything you have bought is recalled by the Consumer Products Safety Commission. So even if you gifted Aunt Edna with the product, you have peace of mind knowing that should anything happen to it and a recall is issued, you’ll know about it.

Access Receipts

Like I mentioned earlier, sometimes finding a receipt is a real pain in the toosh if I’ve gone organizational OCD and don’t remember where I stored something. I love that Slice gives you a nice little chart to show you how much you have spent over time, in what categories, as well as which retailers you frequent. Makes it easy to recall at a glance who has the best deals!

You don’t have to worry about keeping all of those order receipts, shipment receipts, etc. that you receive via email stored somewhere either. Slice integrates with GMail, Yahoo, AOL, Outlook, Xfinity/Comcast, iCloud, and Cox email addresses seamlessly. Once Slice grabs that e-receipt from your inbox, you can delete the email and free up your inbox for more important stuff – like emails from the kids’ teachers about missing homework – AGAIN.

Streamline The Return Process

We have all done this. Dashed off to the store to return an item on the last day available only to realize that we forgot the receipt. Never again will you have to worry about that because Slice stores all of your receipts for you so they can be pulled up on your smartphone – anywhere, anytime. They even include links to the merchants return policy. How awesome is that?

Get Money Back with Price Drop Alert

Nothing in this universe (except a rotten teenager with a smart mouth) irritates me more than making a purchase a week ago and finding out that the price was slashed drastically today. So when something you have purchased drops in price after you’ve bought it, Slice will let you know and help you get a refund.

Many merchants offer a price adjustment on an item you’ve purchased that recently dropped in price – if you know to ask them to do so, and now you do.  Slice takes care of the remembering and checking for you – like having your own personal financial assistant in your pocket! Check out what this happy consumer had to say:

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today from your PC or laptop, or download Slice from the Google Play store or from the iTunes store. It’s completely free and only takes a few minutes to set up!

Sure, you could shop online without Slice. But why would you?

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