I so wish that I had a camera that worked at the moment to capture all the summer craziness that has been happening around here. We’ve had a week of horrible storms – hail, tornadoes, hurricane-force winds, power outages three out of six days – its been a mess! The poor pool boy at our apartment complex can’t keep up with the mess that Mother Nature leaves him every evening!
Our beautiful park – with so many trees – is slowly being thinned out by the storms. This is what it looked like a year ago:
We had a bad storm come through Monday evening that knocked several trees down – as well as flooded the park area (which is prone to flooding no matter how much rain we receive). A few photos of the damage shown below:
Unfortunately we had a storm Friday night with hurricane force winds (70 to 93mph winds) and then last night we had another storm roll through with high winds as well and a beautiful electrical storm in the clouds that was pretty to watch, but sucked that the power was out for over 8 hours again. It was out for 8 hours on Monday night – and then the back portion of our apartment received power (just the bedrooms and bathrooms) and it took another 2 hours for the kitchen and living room lights to come on.
I took a walk down to the park area today and there are another three trees down in the park … if this keeps up, we aren’t going to have any trees left in our beautiful little park!
The boys still do not have cable service in their rooms either. Not sure what happened there – could be that their cable boxes got knocked offline or something – not sure.
The temperatures this week have been unbelievable for this time of year. It is usually in the 90s, but this week the temperatures have hit the triple digits and its been just unbearable outdoors. I feel sorry for The Man Thing having to deal with these temperatures and his job.
The heat doesn’t seem to have bothered the brat squad all that much though. They are still fighting unmercifully with each other … my youngest has turned into a regular little motor mouth and just DOES. NOT. SHUT. UP. Unless he’s asleep, then there are a few brief hours of blessed silence. My eldest has hit the teen hormones in leaps and bounds and thinks he’s 12 going on 22. Walks around here like HE is the one keeping a roof over everyone’s head, like HE is the one putting food on the table and acting as though I am at his beck and call 24 hours a day 7 days a week to fix him whatever he wants to eat – WHENEVER he wants to eat it. Um, yeah … I DON’T FLIPPIN’ THINK SO BUD.
He’s also in summer school for four weeks so he can pass History and move on to the 7th grade with the rest of his classmates. So far he’s been doing pretty well – he’s at least passing the quizzes he’s been receiving – so as long as he can keep this up, hopefully 7th grade will be better.
Our days and nights are all screwed up because of the storms and the power outages – we’ve been going to sleep at odd hours and in the wee hours of the morning sometimes – and have been sleeping the day away and being awake most of the night. I took it upon myself to get everyone back on track again tonight and the kids are peacefully sleeping and will be woken up (whether they like it or not) at 8am tomorrow morning … J. so he can get off to school in time and T. so that he can maintain a normal sleep schedule. I am NOT going through the hell we went through at the beginning of the school year again this year!
With that said, I leave you with a photo that my dear Man Thing took tonight of the moon. Isn’t it pretty?