Summer Family Fun Linky Party • June 30-July 6

Summer Family Fun Linky Party 7/16 to 8/25

Wow, I seriously cannot believe that we have zipped through the first six months of 2015 already. Where has the time gone? Does time seem to be flying by as fast for you? This week for our linky party post I want to talk to you about your teens and pre-teens that are growing up way faster than we ever imagined.

Growing Up Off the Grid

I remember when I was a teenager, I could not wait to graduate from high school and start living my real life away from my parents and on my own. I cannot begin to tell you the amount of times I wish I could have traveled back through time to tell my younger self to slow down, stop rushing time, enjoy being a kid and live in the moment!

Our kids grow up way too fast – especially in this age of technology. I feel as though the innocence of youth that I had growing up is somehow lost on my boys. Perhaps it is just because they are boys and I was a girl – but I feel that I was sheltered much more as a child growing up without the internet at my fingertips. I didn’t watch television much until in the evening, with the family, which was usually a Disney movie or something equally family-friendly. I watched a lot of sitcoms growing up, and when MTV aired, I was glued to music videos and attempting to act and dress like my favorite artists.

I have to impose specific unplug periods for my boys. They have the world at their fingertips, but there are times when our world shows the ugly, dark side of humanity and the morals of our country, our world, seem practically non-existent at times. A definite stark contrast to the world that I viewed through rose-colored glasses as a child. To be quite honest, it scares the hell out of me some days – seeing what my children are faced with as they grow into manhood.

Passport2Purity Getaway Kit - 3rd Edition - Review Coming July 2015 from Life in a House of Testosterone

I am in the process of reviewing the Passport2Purity Getaway Kit from Family Life. A full review will be forthcoming on the blog later this month, but I wanted to tell you a little about it now. Our children’s innocence is under attack on a daily basis from the internet, the local news, their favorite music videos. A simple “birds and the bees” talk or even strict family rules are not enough to prepare them to be the young men and women that we want them to grow up to become. The #Passport2Purity kit enables me to have heart-to-heart communication between my pre-teen and I as well as laying a foundation of purity that (I hope) will prepare him for the turbulent years he is quickly approaching.

Disclosure: Life in a House of Testosterone has partnered with Propeller Consulting, LLC to review the Passport2Purity Getaway Kit. We were sent a promotional item as a thank you for our review. All opinions stated are my own.

If the Passport2Purity Getaway Kit looks like something that you and your family would be interested in doing, you can receive 25% off the getaway kit by using the promo code PASSPORT on the website.  This promo code is good through 8/31/15.

So moms and dads, hold them close – even when they drive you insane. Before either of you realize it, they will be young adults, ready to leave home and take on the world. Spend as much time as you can building those memories that will last a lifetime before your window of opportunity to do so has disappeared.

Your 30 Summer Family Fun Cohosts

Be sure to stop by and visit with each of our co-hosts on their Summer Family Fun Linky Party Post for more great tips, advice, and some family-friendly giggles on having fun with the family!

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