Summer Kid Tips for Single Moms

Summer is a great time for vacations, get-togethers and fun in the sun!

Summer is a great time for vacations, get-togethers and fun in the sun, but it can also be a challenging time for single moms who are trying to provide care for their kids during working hours. It’s important to keep kids occupied, so they don’t get into trouble. Childcare is expensive, but there are ways to find alternative childcare that can benefit both you and the caregiver.

Kid Swap

Team together with a group of other single moms, and swap one another’s kids in the summer weeks. This will give you a chance to work the hours you need to while ensuring that your children are in a safe, nurturing environment. Each mom can take the kids one day a week during working hours. While it might seem overwhelming to take care of multiple children on your day off, you can actually help facilitate activities between the children to keep them occupied. For other great ideas visit a site that helps offer tips for single parents called Single Mommie.

Schedule Time

Set up a schedule for the kids, so they know what to expect and to give the day some variety. If you have varying ages and genders of children, this can be helpful to have group activities that will appeal to everyone’s desires. Craft projects, art projects, outdoor time, TV time, quiet time, and screen time are all great options to schedule into the day. If you and the other caregivers can agree on a schedule that works for everyone, the children will maintain some consistency as well. You can help the kids get set up with their projects and then read or get ahead on personal maintenance while the kids are enjoying one another and their activities. Encourage older children to help younger children if some of the activities need explaining.

Fun Days

Consider going on a few field trips on special days to break up the summer and make certain activities extra special. The outdoor pool, parks, the zoo, the lake, or picnics are all fun activities that the kids will remember forever. Best of all, most of these activities are relatively inexpensive. If you want to stay close to home, plan special projects every once-in-a-while, such as building forts in the house or on the porch, visiting a neighboring farm with animals, or even watching a kids’ movie in an unconventional way, such as on a projector big screen against a blank wall, complete with popcorn and other delicious snacks.

Single Mommie enjoys offering encouraging articles that help single mothers thrive.

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