I prefer setting challenges versus resolutions simply because they don’t need to be completed in a certain time period. Here are 3 challenges to set for yourself in 2023.
One of the best ways to keep your home, office, and family organized is with a terrific planner. Here are a few 2022 Planners from Tools4Wisdom that we think you will love!
Blood circulation is one of the most important functions of your body. Young and old alike can suffer from bad circulation, so here are our top tips for keeping your circulation moving.
We all know that resolutions made are usually resolutions broken. However, if you set small attainable goals for yourself to be happier and healthier in the new year, these health resolutions will actually make a difference.
New Year’s is a time to celebrate a fresh start and to celebrate the holiday traditions that have been passed down through the generations. We’re sharing two new drink recipes that pair beautifully with our holiday traditions.
New Year’s is a time to celebrate a fresh start and to celebrate the holiday traditions that have been passed down through the generations. We’re sharing two new drink recipes that pair beautifully with our holiday traditions.
Planning on spending some time in England this winter? There are plenty of reasons to pull your wellies on and get out there to enjoy the current weather they have now; just switch out the usual day attire for the wintery version and enjoy the season.
With the New Year right around the corner, weight-loss and exercise are two of the top resolutions people make every year. Rowing machines are a tried-and-true way to get a great workout at home. Rather that fighting traffic or waiting in long lines at the gym to use their equipment,
If your family is anything like mine, you know that it goes out as fast as it comes in. Money is what I’m talking about, and I for one am sick and tired of not having enough cash for Christmas and birthdays and anniversaries. I found this really cool idea
I don’t care how many planners you have, how many to do lists you have, how often you check your mail, there is going to come a time within those 365 days of the year when your neat and tidy organized system gets shot to hell. The end of the