Top 12 Signs You’re Due For A Bathroom Renovation

Transform your bathroom into a haven of comfort and style. Discover the signs it’s time for a renovation: outdated features, poor lighting, cramped layout, lack of storage, plumbing issues, mold, worn tiles, tough cleaning, accessibility, water inefficiency, decor mismatch, and a longing for luxury.

Signs It’s Time to Put Items In Storage

The article suggests using storage solutions if your home feels cluttered or its functionality is compromised due to excess items. It’s unhealthy to live in cluttered spaces. The author recommends thoughtful decluttering during renovation and storing items dear to you instead of living in a mess.

Why Is Storage Insurance Important?

Items typically placed in a storage facility are ones that people can’t let go of but no longer have room for in their home. Some are exceptionally valuable or cannot be easily replaced. If they were in your home, they would be covered by renters or homeowners insurance. Storage insurance is equally important to protect your items.

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