The Best Ways to Ask For a Raise

No matter what your income is, it’s always important to be more money savvy. That starts with saving money at home and building a budget, but you might also want to look at how much money you’re bringing in, and if it’s enough. 

Have you been at your current job for years? Do you do consistently good work? It could be time to ask for a raise!

Unfortunately, many people are hesitant to ask for the money they deserve because they’re worried it might be taken negatively. In fact, about two-thirds of American workers have never asked for a raise. 

So, how can you ask for a raise the right way, be respectful to your employers, and bring home a bit more in your paycheck each week?

Ask and Persuade

If your business doesn’t offer an annual review, one good way to bring up the idea of a raise is to ask your employer to review your work and your performance. Meet with them, and outline your accomplishments. It’s the easiest way to bring up the idea of a raise. The simplest way to get one is to ask for it!

But, don’t expect your employer to just hand over more money right away. You’ll have to be willing to persuade them. Make your case and talk about what you’ve contributed to the company to bring money in. 

Have a Specific Number in Mind

Don’t go into your meeting just to ask for a general raise. Do your research ahead of time to determine how much extra you want to make. What are others in your position making, on average? What do you really think you deserve?

It’s also a good time to do your research on things like wage theft, to make sure your employer is paying you fairly for things like overtime. 

When you have a specific number in mind, it can help your employer to decide if it’s reasonable or not. So, don’t be afraid to show them your research and what others in your position are making to justify your request. 

Be Respectful – No Matter What

If your boss agrees to meet with you about a raise, be gracious and respectful of their time. Try to keep things quick, clear, and to the point. If they grant your raise, show your appreciation. If they need more time to think about it, don’t ask them repeatedly when you’ll get an answer. 

And, if they say ‘no’ to the raise, it’s important to continue that respect. Express your understanding, and ask if it’s possible to have another performance review in a few months. Or, ask what else you can do to improve your performance in the future, and increase the likelihood of getting a raise. 

Asking for a raise doesn’t have to be overwhelming, especially if you know you deserve it. Be patient when asking, and make sure you’ve put together a thorough case for yourself to make the decision easier on your employer. If you truly believe a raise is justified, you have nothing to be nervous about!

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