The Dos and Don’ts of DIY – When Should You Call a Professional?

dos and donts of diy

Although dreaming up home renovations ideas is extremely exciting, the hard part commences when you implement these ideas. A good place to start is putting your ideas down on paper and evaluating where things need to be further fleshed out. When you get to a point where you feel your DIY idea is starting to transform into a viable project, it’s time to consider what you can do yourself and what aspects need a professional.

To avoid progressing the project and getting to a point where you’re not necessarily comfortable implementing a particular part, let’s start with the DIY don’t(s) to escape those unnecessary problems.

dos and donts of diy

Don’t Mess Around With Gas

Unless you’re a professional don’t tinker with your gas heater service, there is much more involved with gas appliances than you’d think. If a leak occurred accidently, your home could fill up with carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odorless and tasteless gas and it is extremely hard to detect as victims of gas leaks find out.  If carbon monoxide poisoning is left undetected, it could result in death. So, make sure you invest in a carbon monoxide detector and find yourself a trusted plumber for any gas related alterations. 

Don’t Touch the Electrics

Never let anyone who isn’t an professional electrician play around with your electrics, as there are too many risk factors associated with human error. Even if things seem as if they have been connected properly, bad electrical connections can cause fires later down the line due to incorrect connections heating up over time. This aside, when playing around with electrics, there is always a risk of electrocution. Therefore, employing a professional will remove the damage and drastically reduce the chances of something going wrong.

Don’t Remove Walls and Structural Supports

Each State or Territory will have their own rules and regulations around building work. However, all require the proper permits to remove a structural wall from a building. You should avoid removing any walls or structural supports, as it is a risky exercise when not carried out correctly. This is certainly a job to leave to the professionals. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Double Check

Outside of the above few suggestions if you aren’t sure about a specific activity and whether it requires a professional or a permit remember to check before doing something potentially dangerous. Ask for advice or if you’re looking for tips search DIY faqs for more information. Although there may be a lot of examples of DIY projects on the internet, always make sure you sense check these with reputable advisors as well.

Do Paint and Decorate Your Home

A new lick of paint is usually the starting point for DIY at home, and it is surprising what a difference painting can make, especially when 2018 has a wealth of paint trends to choose from. Before getting too excited about the prospect of decorating your home thought should be given to planning and how the best outcome can be achieved.

There are a number of steps to complete before getting to that final spotless new painted home. Considerations include; sugar soaping the walls to remove dirt and allow all holes and cracks (however small) to be visible and filled with plaster. Once dry sanding the plastered areas and remembering to tape up the areas you don’t wish to paint e.g. skirting boards. If you’ve done all this and you’ve got the right brushes you are ready to go.

Do Fit Panelled Flooring

The array of DIY flooring is commendable by most people’s standards due to the variety and easy of fitting. It has allowed people to update their flooring in their homes quickly and cost effectively and therefore should be something everyone tries at least once. Just make sure the instructions are followed and your floor will be ready in no time.

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