The Hazards Lurking In Your Garden (and what to do about them)

Terrified! That is how you will feel when you find out all about the dangers lurking in your backyard. After all, it is a place where families like to spend their spare time. Of course, there is no need to reduce the time you spend outside, getting fresh air, sunlight, and exercise. In fact, all of the critical dangers below are solvable. Something you can read about in my post below. 


One of the biggest dangers lurking in your garden is the creatures that make it their home. In particular, rodents such as mice and rats are common garden pests, although you may not even realize that they are there. 

Of course, because diseases such as salmonella, and hantavirus are present in rodent droppings, the risk to humans can be considerable. With that in mind, taking precautionary steps is well worthwhile. With the first of these being to clear up your outside space and remove any potential food sources, such as rubbish, seeds, or even bird feed. Additionally, keeping your trash in a separate part of the garden away from the main house can prevent an infection spreading. 

Finally, some households are now using technology to help them in the fight against rodents in the outdoor space. With sonic repellers like the ones you can see at now being available.  


Another hazard that is likely to be lurking in your garden is insects. Of course, the type and level of risk associated with the insects in your garden will depend on where you live in the world. Unfortunately, as the post at discusses in some places like Australia, there is a wealth of poisonous insects, including spiders that can cause serious harm with their bite. 

Although, even in countries not known for this problem, insects can still bite, sting, and otherwise cause an issue for those looking to enjoy their outdoor space. Especially if they have an allergy. 

Happily, ridding your garden of insects is not as difficult as it once was. The first task is to identify the type of bug that is causing the problem. Then you need to devise a plan, especially for the type of insect you are dealing with. For example, those worried about wasps building a hive in their yard can use peppermint oil to deter them. While some even suggest spraying a mix of dish soap and water on smaller nests can help. Although, it is usually much safer to get a professional exterminator in to do the job for you. 

However, these methods are unlikely to work on invertebrates such as slugs, which can, unfortunately, harbor things like lungworm, which can be fatal for dogs. Instead, the plan of action here will need to include copper tape around areas you do not wish them to go in. Then use pellets, or use bait to attract, trap, and dispose of the slugs to make your outdoor space after.

Pools and Hot Tubs 

Not all of us are lucky enough to have a pool or hot tub in the garden. However, those that do need to be mindful of the hazards they pose. In fact, there are quite a few safety issues associated with water. Such as making sure no one accidentally falls in and then cannot get back out again. 

Happily, using a rigid pool cover can help with this issue. The reason being that even if someone stumbles onto the pool without realizing, they won’t get caught up and dragged under by the fabric of the cover. 

Additionally, not everyone realizes that pools and hot tubs can harbor lots of microorganisms, including bacteria. Not all of which are great for human health. To that end, it’s essential you research methods of keeping the water in your pools clean and chlorinated. Something that you can use sites like to help you with. In fact, such sites can provide a wealth of advice on other aspects of safe pool ownership and use as well. 

Safe Fruit and Vegetables 

For many, their garden is a source of sustenance and nutrition, where they grow and tend their own crops of fruits and vegetables. However, what many people forget is that just because they are grown in your own backyard, don’t make these items safe. 

In fact, several risks can interfere with the safe consumption of homegrown fruits and vegetables. One is the misuse of greywater. That is water that has previously been used in the home for washing. This being something that needs to be monitored carefully as discussed at to make sure no contamination with black water or human waste occurs.

Additionally, sometimes, the chemicals used to create bumper crops such as fertilizers and pesticides can be harmful to humans when consumed in copious amounts. With that in mind, changing to a fully organic system of growing, as well as carefully washing any fruits or vegetables from the garden before they are consumed, is the wisest course of action. 

Your Garden Shed 

You may not realize all the dangers that lurk inside your garden shed. However, there are two, in particular, you need to be aware of and take protective measures against. 

The first is rusty metal, something that can be very common in the form of garden forks, spades, shovels, and trowels. Of course, the issue with rusty metal is that it often contains the tetanus virus, which, if left untreated, can cause lockjaw. Although it is worth noting that a tetanus booster shot is usually enough to prevent the disease from becoming full-blown. 

Then there are all the other things that you store in your shed, such as heavier equipment like lawnmowers, tools, and chemicals used in the garden. All items that could cause a great deal of damage if they get into the wrong hands. 

Of course, the answer to both issues is simple, and it’s to make sure that your garden shed is locked at all times, something you can get some advice on at This then prevents any unintentional mishaps and keeping your garden free from hazards so it can be enjoyed by the whole family.

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