The Many Emotions Of Moving House

The Many Emotions of Moving House

Let’s assume you are moving from a property you have lived in for a fair amount of time. And it’s a house you have turned into a home and made lots of memories in. Maybe your child took their first steps here, or you got engaged between these four walls. Perhaps you have had wonderful parties, invested time and effort into redecoration and made great friends with your neighbors. All these reasons and more make it hard to detach yourself from the home you love when it comes the time to move. Today we’re going to look at some of the ways you can overcome these feelings and make way for a whole heap of fresh memories in your brand new home.

The Many Emotions of Moving House


Nearly all big decisions where you choose to make a huge change in your life ironically bring up feelings of regret. You could sit between your four walls and regret not being happier in your home. You may regret not redecorating the bedroom like you always promised you would. Or perhaps you regret not keeping the house as tidy as you said you would. If you are moving to a new location, you may start regretting the decision because you are leaving lovely neighbors and an area you are familiar with and love. But know that these feelings of regret and sadness are healthy. They show that you care about your old house and that you made happy memories here. Before you leave your house, take a photo of your family outside and treasure that as a keepsake of your time there.


Stress And Anxiety

Moving can cause a lot of stress, arguments, and anxiety. You may snap more than usual as you get bogged down with packing, purging and organizing everything. Take some of the stress out of it all by arranging a reputable removal company such as Get a head start on packing by beginning weeks in advance of completion. Make lists of all the things you need to do and all the utility bills you need to switch to your new address. And don’t be afraid to ask others for help with packing. We’ve all experienced moving and know it’s a stressful time.



This is one of the more favorable emotions, so make the most of it! Once you begin packing up your house you can start thinking about the new future you are about to create. There will be excitement about new friends, new schools, new jobs and new rooms to decorate exactly how you want to. At this point start purging as much junk from your old house as you can. This way you’ll have a beautiful, clean slate in your new home. If you are relocating a distance away, it’s also worth spending a few days in your location before the move. This way you can scope out local restaurants, shops, and activities. This will make the transition easier when you finally move in.


All the stress and anxiety will disappear once you are finally in your new home! The removal men will be gone, the utilities will be sorted, and you can begin settling in. At this point in time introduce yourselves to the neighbors and start joining in local activities so you can feel a part of the community. And this where the fun starts because it’s now time to start decorating just the way you want to. And if you regretted not renovating your last bathroom or bedroom, then make a pact to start that job straight away.

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