The Top Health Checks to Get and Their Benefits

Everyone knows that as you age, your bodies change. There are several health checks you can get to see how your body is doing and what changes you need to make for the future. These include blood pressure, cholesterol levels, vision, hearing, weight, lung function, and more. The best part about these checks is they don’t cost much.

You may be thinking, as I did when I was younger, I feel fine – there’s no reason for me to go to the doctor. Unfortunately, there is good reason to get at minimum a yearly exam. Some health issues will not present a problem that you can physically see or feel until it’s too late.

Health Check for Eye and Ear Condition

This is a great time to mention hearing and eye checks. Some people don’t realize they have an issue until it’s too late, so check in now. If you are over the age of 50, then get your eyes checked at least every two years or more often if needed. Have your doctor review any issues with ringing, buzzing, or fullness in the ears.

Where To Go for Eye and Ear Checkups

Talk to your family doctor, optometrist, or ophthalmologist. They are the best person for a diagnosis and treatment recommendation. Make sure you tell them what symptoms you have been experiencing so they can start investigating right away! More importantly, visit an audiologist for a hearing concern.

Benefits of Eye and Ear Checkups

Eye checks can help stop or slow the progression of macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. For ears: hearing aids may be appropriate if you have hearing loss in both ears. Other benefits include the detection of tumors (especially skin cancer) and the prevention of hearing loss.

Health Check for Cancer Screening

Cancer screenings are also part of a positive health routine. The most common cancer for men in their 40s and 50s is prostate cancer. However, other tests could include colonoscopy (colon), testicular self-exam or biopsy, skin check ups from your dermatologist to look out for melanoma, and mammograms.

Women in their 40s and 50s should get mammography, pelvic exam (OBGYN), and cervical cancer screening with a Pap smear test.

Cancer Check Ups Benefits

Cancer screenings are an essential part of any routine check-up for everyone. The benefits of cancer screening include early detection, learning about risk factors, reducing the chance of getting cancer, and following prevention practices.

Where To Go for Cancer Screening

Check with your family doctor, OBGYN, or urologist.

Health Check for STI Screening

The last thing to mention is STI screens. Most people don’t realize they have an infection until it’s too late, so constantly get screened if you are sexually active (even though condoms still prevent most infections). Doctors will perform different tests for different types of STIs)

Benefits of STI Screening

The latest estimates show that there are at least 20 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the U.S. every year, with half among young people aged 15 to 24 years old. Ergo, it is vital to get tested to know your status and take the necessary steps.

Where To Get STI Screening

You can visit a hospital for Pap smear tests, and blood work

Health Check for Bones

-Osteoporosis: Tests for low bone density, which can lead to weak and brittle bones. If detected early enough, doctors may prescribe treatment that will help prevent further damage, such as limiting calcium intake or taking osteoporosis medicine. Blood tests measure the level of a protein called osteocalcin, released from the bone into the bloodstream.

-Osteoarthritis: Tests for joint pain and stiffness. This test can help diagnose osteoarthritis in its early stages. It doesn’t require any invasive procedures such as surgery or biopsy.

-Trigger finger: A doctor will examine the hand, looking for swelling and fluid in the digits or joint space of a finger that causes pain when moving it. The doctor bases the diagnosis on these symptoms as well as X-rays taken while you move your fingers.

Benefits of Health Check for Bones

-Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis: Tests for these conditions can help diagnose them in their early stages, which may reduce the need for invasive procedures such as surgery or biopsy.

-Trigger finger: Diagnosing this disorder can relieve pain and allow you to enjoy a more active life.

Health Check for Chronic Illness

-Diabetes: Tests for this condition can help diagnose diabetes, leading to treatment with insulin or other medications. It’s essential to regularly perform these tests because it may cause severe complications and even death if left untreated.

-Heart disease: Tests for this condition can help diagnose heart problems such as high blood pressure, coronary artery blockages, and irregular heartbeat. Health practitioners may prescribe treatment with beta-blockers, water pills, or other medications to correct the problem.

Benefits of Health Check for Chronic Illnesses

-Diabetes: Knowing your condition and receiving prompt treatment can help prevent serious complications.

-Heart disease: Treatment can help correct the condition.

Health Check for Depression

Depression is a condition marked by the inability to enjoy activities that used to give you pleasure, increased feelings of sadness or hopelessness, changes in weight without dieting, trouble concentrating on tasks or remembering things, as well as sleep problems. 

Tests may include blood tests for thyroid disease or diabetes, electroencephalography (EEG), and a physical exam.

Benefits of Health Check

Depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide as it can lead to suicide if left untreated, so immediately treating depression may improve your quality of life.

Health Check for Lungs

-Pulmonary function test: A PFT is a simple, non-invasive way to measure how well your lungs function. You breathe into a machine called a spirometer that measures the rate and volume of air you inhale and exhale. The tests come in two ways – before or after exercise to show whether the lungs take in and expel enough air.

-Pulmonary artery pressure: This test measures the blood vessel that carries blood to the heart from the lung, known as a pulmonary artery. A doctor will place an ultrasound probe on your chest wall or neck. The probe records images while sound waves bounce off tissues deep inside the body. The doctor will measure the pressure in these arteries to detect a heart problem that causes fluid to back up and fill the lungs

Benefits of Health Check for Lungs

-Pulmonary function test: This simple, non-invasive way to measure how well your lungs function can help diagnose potential problems.

-Pulmonary artery pressure: Measuring the blood vessel that carries blood from the lung may detect an early sign of a heart problem and is advisable for people with high cholesterol or who have recently experienced a heart attack.

There are multiple benefits of getting your health checked by a professional, and having one for your lungs will help prevent severe conditions.

Use this blog post to learn about the benefits of regular health checks, and hopefully, it drives you to care for your wellbeing. In addition, you can have your friends and family join along to ensure wellness for everyone.

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