These Packing Tips Will Ensure That Your Next Move Goes Smoothly

family moving with boxes

Moving house can be stressful for anyone, but that being said, there are things that you can do to make sure that everything goes right on the day. It doesn’t matter whether you intend to hire a moving company, or whether you intend to pull it all off yourself because there are things that you can do to make it easier.

family moving with boxes

Create a Checklist

When you have hired a moving company, or when you have rented a vehicle, you have to make sure that you don’t miss out on anything. Ideally, you should create a moving checklist as this will help you to go through all of the things you need to do in the lead-up to the big day. If you can stay organized then this will take a lot of the stress out of the big day. Some of the things you need to do are make sure that you collect the vet records for your pet so you can get them registered with the new practice, as well as cancel your utilities. You may also want to notify the school that you are moving if you have kids. You’ll want to get your kids registered at their new school too if you are not moving locally. Want to make sure you’re super prepared? You’ll need to use these must-have items for new homeowner guide as well.

Eat Up

If you have hired a moving company then you should know that they will not move any perishable food items. You need to make it your goal to try and eat as much of what you have as you can, before the big moving day. Try and get creative with the recipes you have so you can figure out how much you will have to use up. Donate any food items you know that you are not going to use to the local food bank. If you can do this, then you can help others while making your move less stressful.

Have a Clear Out

It’s impossible to overstate how much easier things become if you simply organize your belongings into things you want to keep, and things you want to toss. You shouldn’t be taking items with you to your new home if you know that you can donate them, so be mindful of this. Go through every room in your home and make a point of opening all of your cabinets. Be mindful here and do not skip out on any drawers. You also need to take note of any furniture you do not want to move as well. If you can do this, then you will make your life way easier.

Short-Term Storage

Do you have some items that you just don’t want to commit to moving yet, but at the same time, you’re not sure if you are going to need them? If so, then you may want to think about hiring a storage service. If you do this, you can re-evaluate if you actually want to move the item at a later date while freeing up valuable space in your home.

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