Do you want to start trying for a baby? If so then there are a few steps you can take right now to ensure the health of you as well as your child. If you don’t know where to start then simply take a look below to find out more.

Start Taking Folic Acid
Folic acid needs time so that it can build up in your system. By taking folic acid now, you can give your baby maximum protection against any neural tube defects. A lot of women try and conceive within one month of trying, so ideally you need to take folic acid around two months before this. If you have stopped taking contraception then take folic acid now until you are 12 weeks pregnant. If you are taking contraception then now could be the best time for you to look into detox birth control.
Eat Well
Your fertility will benefit if you have a healthy and balanced diet. Some of the best foods you can eat include whole grains, unsaturated fat, and even vegetable proteins. Beans and lentils are great here. A dietician should be able to help if you happen to have a condition that requires a specific diet or if you have any nutritional requirements, so make sure that you keep that in mind.
Reduce your Caffeine Intake
Another thing you have to do is reduce your caffeine intake. Studies have shown time and time again that if you consume too much caffeine when you are trying for a baby, this can increase the chance of you having a miscarriage. It is harmful to you and the baby. If you are planning to conceive then you need to limit your caffeine intake to around 200 mg a day if you can. This is the best way for you to protect your baby.
Maintain your Weight
Being healthy is crucial if you want to start trying for a baby. You need to focus on your BMI and you also need to ensure that you are as healthy as possible. Having a high BMI puts you at risk of complications when you’re pregnant. If you have been struggling with your weight for some time then don’t lose heart. Sometimes, reducing your BMI by just a few notches will help you to make a huge difference. There is also professional support out there if you feel as though you need it, so don’t be afraid to seek it out.
On the flip side, you may need to gain weight if you happen to be under. Being underweight can cause health issues during your pregnancy. You may benefit from gaining weight gradually if you are currently at a dangerous weight. There are things you can do to try and gain weight here, but ultimately you should be talking with your doctor as well as a dietician so you can make sure that you are not consuming unhealthy fats, which will be detrimental to your health as well as your pregnancy so make sure that you keep this in mind.