Think You’re Pregnant? First Response Can Tell You With 99% Accuracy

first response 99 percent accuracy

Disclosure: I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

first response tells you sooner

Our First Response Experience

I remember the day as though it were yesterday. I was 20 years old, married to the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, and anxious to start our family together. I’d been feeling a bit ‘off’ for a week or so and I was hoping that perhaps that was the reason for it. I’d purchased a First Response pregnancy test kit the day before and was anxiously awaiting that first morning visit to the bathroom to decide the future of our family.

While the test just took a few minutes – I felt as though hours had passed. First Response was there to give me the news that I was indeed pregnant with the daughter I’d been dreaming of and I couldn’t wait to share the news with my husband. At 4:00 a.m. because I couldn’t sleep. I jumped on the bed with the pregnancy test stick, “We’re pregnant honey! I’m going to have a baby!

I got a pat on the hand, a half smile when my face fell at his lack of enthusiasm (I mean, it was 4AM – what did I expect?) and a mumbled, “That’s nice. Tell me again in the morning when I wake up,” or something along those lines.

Being a soon-to-be first-time mom, I thought I would just burst if I didn’t tell someone, so I did what most women do. I called my mom. She answered the phone, gave me about 20 minutes of gleeful chatter, and then told me she loved me … and to call her back at a normal hour.

Throughout the years, pregnancy testing has changed drastically.

We’ve gone from analog testing, needing to use first morning urine, and needing to wait until after you have missed your period to now being able to digitally test up to 6 days before your missed period, at any time of the day – and First Response has been on the cutting edge of it all.

First Response Through the Years

When I was pregnant with my daughter 27 years ago, you needed to have your pregnancy test ready and waiting the night before so when you woke up and needed to use the bathroom first thing in the morning – your test was ready in a flash. At that time, in order for a home pregnancy test to work at its best and give you an accurate reading, you needed first morning urine with the highest level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).

Over the years; however, all that has changed – drastically. The curved shape fits inside your hand comfortably, the tip is 50% wider (which makes it much easier to do the testing) and the handle is longer, another added plus. First Response is approved by the FDA, and designed to detect all relevant forms of urinary hCG throughout your pregnancy. Six days before you even miss your period, First Response can tell you if you are pregnant or not. The results are super easy to read (ready in just three minutes or less) with over 99% accuracy from the day of your expected period. Two pink lines means you’re pregnant, one means you are not, and the test can be used at any time of the day – no more waiting until the morning!

First Response is available at all major drugstores, mass department stores and grocery stores and retails between $8.99 and $15.99 depending on the package size you purchase.

When you need to know if you are pregnant or not, First Response is the only at home test you need to know that will give you an answer as to what your future holds.

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