Time For A Road Trip – Bring The Dog With These Tips!

Time For A Road Trip - Bring The Dog With These Tips!

Aren’t road trips exciting? Whether you are going one way to a new destination or you are bringing the whole family on holiday, there is one family member you should never forget: the dog! A vacation isn’t a vacation without your dog, which means you need to make it so that your dogs are comfortable on the journey that you take.

Sure, we’re in the middle of a pandemic right now, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t plan for your next adventure. When you own a pet, they are a part of the family and you need to treat them as such. Travel restrictions don’t prevent you from planning your next traveling adventure, especially when you plan to travel by car! So, it’s time to pack up the car and get on the road, but before you do that, let’s take a look at what you could do to make your car a comfortable place to be for your dog.

Grey Car
  • Make the car a positive place. Some dogs are a little nervous in cars, as usually when they go into one it’s because they’re heading somewhere like the vet – not ideal! So, what you need is to make your car as fun as possible, including their toys and a dog car hammock is the way to go! You want to make sure that your dog is excited in the car with you, and you can even begin with short car rides to the local dog park to get them confident in the vehicle! Oh, and remember to bring treats to make them feel at ease as they get into the vehicle. The more fun things you do in the car with your dog, the more they’ll be excited about traveling with you!
  • Make an emergency plan. As with children, dogs are a little unpredictable. You need to make sure that you prepare for any potential emergencies, including knowing any vets and pharmacies along your route and on arrival at your destination. You should also have a 24hr line for your own vet for advice as you need it. If there are any signs of seizures/high fevers while you are en route to your destination, you’ll need to know what to do!
  • Plan regular breaks. Your dog is going to need to take regular breaks to go to the potty, so you should see if you can plan suitable stops along your route so they can do their business close to dog-friendly places. The last thing that you want is a mess in your car that you’re going to have to stop to scrub away!
  • Go somewhere friendly to your pooch. It’s nice to take a road trip with a dog but you want to ensure that they are welcome when you arrive. Are there dog-friendly beaches and parks? Can your dog stay in your accommodation? All of these things are deal-breakers if you want to travel with your pet.

You’re going to have an amazing breakaway and bringing your dog just makes your trip even better.

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