Tips For Leaving A Dog At Home For The First Time

life in a house leaving pet home alone

Getting your dog to spend the day on its own while you go to work is a little worrying for any dog owner or pet owner in general. There’s that uncertainty of how they’ll come without you. Will they run about the house like loose cannons or will they simply stare at the door you left from and not leave that place until you’ve come back? You just don’t know how they’ll react unless you stick a camera in your home. Either way, here are some tips for leaving a dog at home for the first time.

Photo by from Pexels

Take Them For A Walk Before And After Work

When they’re going to be spending several hours at home on their own, you need to make sure that they are properly walked before and after work. By taking them out in the morning, you’re going to hopefully wear them out so that for the first hour or two, they fall asleep. It will also mean that their bladders are emptied and that you won’t need to worry so much about them wetting or pooping on your carpets. When it comes to leaving them food and water, try not to overfill these bowls because the more you give them, the more they’ll eat and drink. That means they might be holding desperately to poo or wee and they may end up doing so by accident. You should also greet them on returning from work and then take them out straight away in order to relieve themselves and to get some exercise. Cuddles and kisses can come after the walk!

Keep Their Access To Rooms Limited

The thought of leaving your dog alone to explore the home and potentially cause damage can be worrying for households. That’s why it’s important to keep their access to rooms limited where you can. A kitchen area is probably the best space to leave them because it’s usually a floor that’s wooden or tiled and so any unfortunate accidents can be mopped up pretty easily.

You also tend to have the dog bed in this area anyway, so it’s something they’re comfortable with. They might get more anxious and nervous by the fact that they have more space than normal, so try to keep it limited where you can.

Start Leaving Your Dog Alone For Short Periods

When you’re leaving your dog at home for the first time, it’s important to start off slow and steady. It’s more beneficial to the dog and how they’re feeling to make sure you ease them into it, rather than just leaving them alone completely for the first time for hours on end.

Try and do it over time by leaving your dog alone for short periods and then extending them when you can. It can help them relax and you being gone for an extra few hours is unlikely to be noticed too much by them. A couple of hours is a good starting point and then build this up until you’re confident that they can be ok on their own.

Get A Treat Dispenser With A Camera

Treats to help calm your dog might be something you definitely are worth having, and you can now monitor this with the use of treat dispensers. Some of these dispensers will have cameras on top of them or integrated into the dispenser in order to check up on their furry friend and to see if they’re doing ok. It also is helpful to have a camera within your home for security reasons too.

A treat is also a great pick-me-up for your dog when they’re in on their own. The sound of your voice and in some cases, your face on a screen can be very exciting and somewhat calming for them, even though you won’t, unfortunately, be able to reach through and give them a pat on their head!

Leave A Radio On For Background Noise

Leaving background noise playing can be good for your dog when you leave them fully for the first time. Having that noise can put them at ease, rather than the silence they’d usually get from an empty house. It will also stop them from getting stressed out or barking at sounds they hear from outside.

Leaving your dog alone can be worrying for the first few occasions, but they’ll get used to it. They’re lucky that they have you but that they also have a warm and safe home to live in. Not all dogs have that!

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