How Today’s Schools are Fighting Back Against Distracted Driving

Distracted driving represents one of the biggest dangers throughout the nation. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle accidents and over 3,000 people lost their lives to a distracted driver. Man driving his modern car at night in a city Many drivers, especially newly-minted teen drivers with little experience behind the wheel, underestimate and even downplay the dangers of distracted driving. This is why a number of schools across the country are doing their part to raise awareness and hopefully bring distracted driving to an end. In conjunction with free and convenient driving tests available online that help teens learn and brush up on practical driving skills, teen drivers can develop the knowledge and confidence they need to stay safe on the road.

Project Yellow Light

Students at Greenwich High School in Greenwich, CT did their part to stop distracted driving through a creative fundraiser held back in June 2013. The fundraiser, organized with help from Project Yellow Light, highlighted the importance of attentive driving through a 90-minute go-kart endurance race. Sixty-two participants, including mechanics from Skip Barber Racing School, competed for trophies and prizes while raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving, according to the Greenwich Post. Such a race serves as a practical example of why total awareness of what’s on the road is essential when behind the wheel. Founded by Julie Hunter and family shortly after the loss of their son in a car crash in 2007, Project Yellow Light helps teenagers encourage others to cultivate and embrace safe driving habits. The organization regularly awards scholarships to high school and college students who strive to make an impact through the power of videos and other creative media.

Distracted Driving Simulation

At Grayslake Central High School in Grayslake, IL, students got behind the wheel of a distracted driving simulator as part of Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital’s “Save a Life Tour.” The realistic driving simulator is part of a comprehensive program to help educate young teens on the dangers of distracted driving. According to the Daily Herald, students receive a valuable lesson on how activities as simple as answering a cell phone can easily endanger themselves as well as others, especially in light of changing road conditions, speed limits and traffic.

Distractology 101

Meanwhile, Norwood High School in Norwood, MA joined forces with the Arbella Insurance Foundation and Morrill Insurance Group to present “Distractology 101—A Crash Course in Distracted Driving.” The state-wide campaign features a wide variety of unique exercises designed to help teens understand the end result of distracted driving and develop safer, long-lasting driving habits. At the center of the program is a 36-foot-long mobile classroom outfitted with the latest in high-tech simulation technology, according to the Boston Globe. In one exercise, students attempted to read the text on their cell phones while driving a virtual simulator, which predictably illustrated the importance of complete awareness at all times.

Alex Cutter
A few years back, Alex’s dad brought home a fully restored, souped-up 1964 Mustang Coupe, and Alex was in love. When he’s not working on a car, he’s blogging about the automotive industry.

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