Top 5 Unique Gifts for Teenagers

teen gifts

I have to admit, giving gifts to others puts a huge smile on my face. The challenging part is finding just the right gift for the right person. I love to give unique and amazing gifts that will hold a special place in their heart.

When my kids were small, gift-giving was easy. Now that I’m a grandmother, the challenge is giving my young adult and teenage children something they are going to love because, let’s face it, I’m not always “up” on what their likes and dislikes are anymore. They always know what the newest and trendiest products are, so I’m going to share with you a few of the items they’ve told me about recently!

1. Mobile Phone Cases

The most common item you’ll see a teenager have is a mobile phone. It’s one of the best gifts that doesn’t suck you can get for a teenager. Naturally, they each have their own personality, interests, likes and dislikes and they want their phone cases to showcase that.

I found the best artistic phone cases online the other day. They have colorful and cool designs for just about everyone who loves something funky and unique! They also have a great selection of other products that the teen on your list is sure to enjoy as well!

2. AirPods

If your teen has an iPhone, chances are they want AirPods to go with it. I have to admit, they are pretty cool, but with the issues I had with my ear surgery many years ago, I didn’t think I would be able to own AirPods because that type of earbud just doesn’t work for me any longer. So imagine my surprise when I found the best AirPod accessories ever! This amazing grip that attaches to your AirPods makes it possible for even an “old fogey” like me to be able to wear them!

3. Don’t Leave Out Their Pet

My children have always loved their pets – no matter what they were – but they especially love their dogs. Me? Not so much. My pet peeve is the dog hair that gets on everything, everywhere.

So one of the items on their gift lists this year is to get them each the best deshedding brush for dogs that I’ve found so far – and it works on clothing, furniture, carpets, and automobiles.

4. Backpacks

Back when I was growing up, backpacks were used for books and gym clothes. Nowadays though, my kids use them for everything to go everywhere! Backpacks are a lot more tech-friendly today then they were when I was growing up, with pockets and sections made specifically to charge laptops and cellphones, hold water bottles, and more. They make an excellent gift choice for a teenager – in their favorite color naturally!

5. Bicycles

If your teen hasn’t reached the age where they can get a learner’s permit and drive, a bicycle makes a great gift. It gives them the freedom to get around where they want to go without having to ask mom or dad for a ride. Cycling is also a fun activity that the entire family can do – something we have been doing in our new home that we all enjoy. It gives everyone time away from the video games and television and gets us out there doing some physical activity as a family, not to mention the benefits to the environment.

What are some of your favorite gifts to give to the teenagers in your life? Leave a comment below and let us know! If you’re stumped for ideas, don’t forget to check out our Teens and Tweens Gift Ideas!

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